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Some tips to improve the tackle? Personal experiences or whatever

Depends on the position you're playing , if you're tight five work massively on getting you're head on the right side , pushing out in defence and keeping your body square with the oncoming tackler , you want to get as much of your central mass and energy coming straight through the tackle and driving the player backwards. Shorten your stride coming into the tackle , get the head the correct side drop low a stride or two strides out keep your eye on their waist try plant your foot between their legs or on a toe strike with shoulder and drive from low position up through thier body arch back and drive through the collision preferably hooking a leg and keeping a leg drive

As a backrower you'd have yo get this down perfectly along with more important or critical one on one tackles. essentially you'll have a harder job tracking the defender as he'll have more space to throw you off , players are also more likely to look for soft shoulder or step so keeping your eye on which way their core or waist goes is key to ensuring the hit. If the guy get's away from you try dive across or into his legs and either cut him down or hold on.

if you can shepered him out and drift the touchline is always a teams best defender.
But keep shuffling across until you've to chop or have gotten close enough to hit and drive through like the first technique explained.

Work on all the points raised and be brave and determined , and no matter how small you are and big they are you'll be well able to roll with the big boys. The best hitters I know are the brave guys at around 160 pounds who give it everything