A Cardiff RFC problem is a Cardiff Blues problem, they both are run by Cardiff RFC Ltd of which PT is the sith lord, so the budget cut dosn't make for good reading, yes Jeff teams are all on a Cap of 4mill and yes Cardiff wage bill will be 4mill. But the problem is that 4 mill includes Blues players and staff, and Cardiff Rfc players and staff,
The have missed (peter thomas/blues) bar payments which resulted in beer being turned off in club, the lease thay still have to pay for CAP is not being paid, nor the up keep of the ground which is written in the lease, CAC have now written to Cardiff RFC Ltd to inform them they have started legal action against them.
It also came out that PT and WRU have bith put in written requests to buy CAP, WRU to fill Glanmors Gap and PT who knows his reasons, both offers were turned down, in fact CAC at the meeting said PT will never ever get his hands on CAP.
But there were a lot of anti blues in the room so the above may just be anti blue rants, but the money problems are fact, the most shocking is that it took us up until November 2010 to pay the company that provided the buses for the EDF Final!!!! also the funniest was the Crisp company stopped sending nuts to clubhouse due to non payment....made me laugh anyway