You're a Saracens season ticket holder. You've put up with having to play your rugby in Watford for the last 14 years, despite supposedly being from St. Albans. You've put up with numerous games being moved to Wembley where the atmosphere has been abject and you're putting up with the team essentially going on tour for the first half of the season because they have no real home ground. You're guaranteed 3 home games this season against European competition. Oh wait, no you're not, they've decided to go and move the game across the sea to Belgium. Hooray.
In my eyes Saracens are one of the worst clubs in professional rugby. The have absolutely no regard for their fans and seem intent on selling themselves for the quick buck at every opportunity. If Leinster started behaving the way Saracens do I'd have to think very hard about continuing to support them.
I know they dont want to waste more time on there watford fanbase but they do need to think about filling copthal as quickly as possible because building a fanbase at a half empty stadium is pretty tricky. If they spent the first half of the year playing as close to there as possible they might just pick up a few fans this year rather than next.