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Saints Row

Madden, what the hell!! the pal version is delayed!!! your talking bout 360 version right?

Does saints row work on wide screen ok?

Ak, your in aussie, whats the word on madden?

Yeah it's out on 360 , i was just as surprised as you.

Saints Row is widescreen and works wonderfully.... I've never seen anything* more beautiful in my life.

* = without ***ties

Using your 360 on a standard tv is a CRIME!, i cant express just how good games look on hi def.... it makes me wish i had all my old 360 games back just to see them in there full glory.

#MADDEN UPDATE# i just called my local EB again and they are adamant that Madden has already been released on 360...

BUT then...

I called EB in the cbd and they have told me that it's now showing on there computers that Madden has been delayed until Sep 14.

MY BAD :p 14th it is
I know what you mean, I just gt an 19inch lcd monitor for my 360, it is all I can afford but it looks soo fricken sweet!!!

So, when they told u they had sold out they were lying?!!!
So, when they told u they had sold out they were lying?!!!

I dont think so, they seemed pretty certain and told me the same thing on three different occasions so i'll double check tomorrow just to be sure.
Been playing fo an hour now, freakin sweet! But anyone tell me how t advance time??
there is no madden
unless its today or 14th

i got SR

and i have had 3 hours sleep

madness mayhem - sweet as busten caps left right n centre
So can you advance time?? It dosent do it when you save like GTA.

Have you noticed the graphical tearing that eveyone is on about? Its not a big deal, but its there.
So can you advance time?? It dosent do it when you save like GTA.

Have you noticed the graphical tearing that eveyone is on about? Its not a big deal, but its there.

the demo was alot worse in graphical tear - thus this game looks bliss to me

havent figured out advanced time

only figured where to find the time on the cell phone late last night

its an awesome game - drug trafficing and insurance fraud is my fave

Hitman is awesome too - but its hard to find the targets

Also check out the CD stores and by the tunes u only want to hear
Yeah but im having trouble buying things coz the stores are closed at night and i cant advance time!! when day fianlly comes i havent got time to do much before its night again!! Plus the lighting is awsome so i like doing missions in the day!!
I prefer the day as well, with the LCD you can really appreciate the awesome lighting.I think i have to adjust my tv settings coz shadows show up really dark on my screen.

Night time is a good time to rob all the stores but i cant figure out how the lock pick system works yet.

I also haven't seen anyway to advance time, i dont think you can.
Hav you guys been to the theatre, it allows you t play any missions you hav already completd!! Igenious!! I remebr in GTA having to make multiple saves so i could playback cool missions!

This game rocks. EA sports can kiss my ass!
Hav you guys been to the theatre, it allows you t play any missions you hav already completd!! Igenious!! I remebr in GTA having to make multiple saves so i could playback cool missions!

This game rocks. EA sports can kiss my ass!


i read about that in the help menu but havent been to the flicks yet,...but cant wait

too busy going to freckle *****es, and then.......derailing the train

next time i'll take my feckle *****es to the movies
aparetntly catching the train or a cab will speed up time. a little bit.

to catch a cab you can ring it on your phone. wicked aye i wish i could afford an xbox just for this game :) but its still WAY 2 expensive
Its awsome. Fist fighing is fun, giving people prolonged rag doll beatings is great. Weapons and ammo and tats and gear ar expensive, but thats good , it gives you reason to keep earning. What about the tricked out cars, the options are amazing!!! Im actually driving careful to protect my ride!!! You cant fix it buy just saving it, you hav to go to mechnic!! So anyone who hits my ride gets a beating, its damn cool!!
The best missions are the drug trafficking and insurance fraud by miles

i got to about level 6 on the drug trafficking

its mad coz u get unlimited pistol bullets......spray spray spray that cap, cap cap in all yo ass ass ass

oh and i like seeing a polygon/silicon intepretation of weed.........

one thing thats ******* me off - when a neighbourhood goes under attack and u gotto cover the whole map to get back to the neighbourhood just to shoot a few tresspassing thugs........it ****** me off, coz half the time i am in the middle of hitman trying to find the bugger...roaming at my own pace, then the damn phone rings, and i gotto scale the whole friggin map back to where i began,

like GTA - sometimes i wish i wasnt forced to do things
jsut dont go!!! What happens then, you lose the territory? but then you get to take it back again!

You can advance time 8hrs by getting bustd or smoked. It cost u money but its worh it to see the gorgeous daytime graphics.

Have you tried this: put your pistol target so it turns red over the driver (you hav to be beside drivers door) of a vehicle and then jack it, your guy will then open the door, shoot them in th head and throw them out for an instant kill.
Ok, this happened to me now, and i just left it and it dents your earnnings but you dont lose the territory, so its not urgent, just do it when your back in that area.

Hav you seen the 3000 a piece suits you can buy??!! What about 100 000 dollar cars from the dealer? I love how this game has lots of things to buy, and money is hard earnd. I lovin tricking out cars, theres so many options!!
Cool cool cool cool cool.

First thing I did was nick a shitty sedan... I went around the corner and and spied some dork wearing a giant blue soft drink cup suit walking around. I couldn't refrain myself. I hopped out of my car and beat the crap out of that ****** with the shitty job. What unfolded was one of the funniest moments in videogaming history. I knocked that c*** down with just two or three hits. His arms were flailing and his suit was curving in an eerily realistic manner I would never have expected. I stood there kicking the crap out of him for a good ten minutes before I finally got over the sight of a skinny little white angsty boy killing a giant soda cup in the middle of a busy street all over the road and footpath... Fantastic.

Next thing I stole a car from some dude. It looked like a blue Subaru Impreza... Turns out it was a gang car from a rival. That's when I saw the awesome star/wanted level things. Great stuff. Very simple. A merge of GTA and NFS Most Wanted. Fantastic system.

Insurance fraud is bloody brilliant! Hell of a lot of fun. Its obviously there to show off the rag doll physics, and my my it is great. Awesome fun wincing as you fly into a speeding ute.

All in all this is pretty much GTA on the surface, hell even the cars handle the same... But really it is so so so much better than San Andreas. My only complaint is the world. Its nice, it looks bloody good (I spent hours just staring at the bricks and the road as I ran past). But It's not hugely interesting. The different areas of the city are very obvious. From the Graffiti'd shithole that is Saints Row to the snooty place just up over the bridge. It's varied in its style. It's no match for Liberty City though. Liberty City is still the king of all Video Game worlds.


Bloody brilliant.
What does everyones character look like?

I've got two games going...

One of my guys looks like Snoop - he's got the doggy hairstyle, slim with a tilted grin etc..

The guy i'm using atm looks rather disturbingly like K-FED now that i've just bought some cornrows.

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