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SA Rugby Unions Plan to screw themselves out of the World Cup



Jake White's head as Springbok coach could roll before the World Cup tournament if his selections do not meet the expectations of SA Rugby executives.

This was the tone of the message SA Rugby Union president Oregan Hoskins delivered in an interview with East Coast Radio on Wednesday.

According to a transcription of the interview, published on the SuperSport Zone, Hoskins made it clear that SA Rugby executives were unhappy about the "spat" between White and flank Luke Watson.

"If (the leadership) is not happy with the coach's selections then we must change the coach. If the administration is not happy with situation, then it must have the coach that it prefers," Hoskins said in the interview with the KwaZulu-Natal radio station.

Top administrators had earlier added Watson's name to the squad of 45 players invited to attend a training camp in Bloemfontein, despite opposition from White and the two selectors.


"The Luke Watson issue has been discussed by leadership on a number of occasions. It is something that we have discussed with Jake White and the selectors over a period of more than a year," Hoskins said during the interview.

"We indicated our concern at the relationship between the two of them, and felt it was unhealthy. It is not good for the sport when there is a spat between the player and the coach.

"We talk to Jake often, he comes to our Board meetings to give updates, and we have indicated to him that we view it as a problem relationship."

Asked whether there could be further intervention by SA Rugby if Watson is not in the squad of 30 players that White is expected to announce on Monday, Hoskins said he hoped it would not be necessary.

"I don't want to predict what will happen. I trust that common sense will prevail."

White will trim the training squad of 46 before announcing his Springbok group for the two Test matches against England.

It is generally accepted that he and the selectors will give in to pressure exerted by SA Rugby administrators to include Watson in the elite squad.

Media not allowed to attend or report

Watson reported to the training camp in Bloemfontein on Wednesday. The players will undergo a number of tests before being sent home on Friday.

White did not address members of the news media on Wednesday, as usually happens at the start of a training camp.

It appeared that he had, after consultation with the Springbok team's management, decided against doing so.

The coach will be available for media interviews only on Monday. This is said to be because the administrators want the focus to remain on the Super 14 final between the Sharks and the Bulls this week.

Springbok team manager Zola Yeye denied on Wednesday that White had been gagged.

Vusai Kama, media manager of the Springboks, said White would still be the guest speaker at a breakfast to be held in Bloemfontein on Thursday but media representatives would not be allowed to attend or report on the event [/b]

From superrugby.co.za (Found it on another board)
White should just put him in the 30 man squad, and just not in his starting 15 or 22 LOLZ
White should quit and then blow the whole political pawn saga open to the world. No other coach would ever want to fill the shoes again and we can retire the Bok emblem to save it some of the respect it had earned through the years. The SA international rugby team can then become the Kwagga and could compete with other minnow nations for bottoms.

It's a pity that a player of Watson's calibre is on the sharp end. Someone of his character could easily throw everyone a cannon ball and actually say enough is enough, and get out of the situation himself. I won't be surprised
Ye Gods, really let`s not blow this out of all proportion.

This is just another typical day in the corridors of SARU. Every year, round about the start of the SH Test season, there seems to be some or other crisis brewing in SA rugby- remember 2 years ago, when White was also almost forced from his job because of the non-inclusion of Solly Tybilika in the starting team vs. France in PE? Same shite, different day really.

This is just another case of Hoskins and White, having to bend over and take it up the backside, as some or other idiot politician does his little thing in order to curry favour with the incumbment government. This has never changed, nor will it ever.

Anyway, White has a watertight contract as Bok coach. In his contract, there is a little clause giving him executive control come the final say in team selection. Even the executive interference wrt the inclusion of Luke Watson had a smack of breach of contract about it. So what will Jake do? Well, I reckon he`s already been to see a lawyer or 2. Knowing SARU`s not-too-brilliant track record with court proceedings in SA, this whole mess will probably be sorted sometime before the weekend again. Just a pity that our Test season has to start with these type of pathetic power games every year- an obvious reason why the Boks are notoriously slow starters to the Test season.
Ye Gods, really let`s not blow this out of all proportion.


I forget you cannot convey sarcasm on a computer screen. Suppose I should've included one of these :ph34r:

I am serious that Watson is on the sharp end of this bullshit and like his dad I believe he won't stand for political hogwash. Remember you read it here first.
I think the IRB should take a leaf out of their counterparts - FIFA - and ban South African rugby from all international commitments until they can sort out their ****.

Just 2 or 3 years ago, FIFA banned Greece from taking part in any FIFA / UEFA sanctioned games because the Greek goverment had too much influence in the Greek FA. FIFA demanded that football & politics doesn't go together. The fans and the general public were furious about this so the government caved in to FIFA's demands.
Greece were just recently allowed back.

The same should be done to South Africa. Yes, I know it's harsh and cruel but drastic actions needs to be taken to save Springbok rugby.
I think the IRB should take a leaf out of their counterparts - FIFA - and ban South African rugby from all international commitments until they can sort out their ****.

Just 2 or 3 years ago, FIFA banned Greece from taking part in any FIFA / UEFA sanctioned games because the Greek goverment had too much influence in the Greek FA. FIFA demanded that football & politics doesn't go together. The fans and the general public were furious about this so the government caved in to FIFA's demands.
Greece were just recently allowed back.

The same should be done to South Africa. Yes, I know it's harsh and cruel but drastic actions needs to be taken to save Springbok rugby.

it looks like you have forgotten that Rugby is not managed in a rational way by a true international federation but by the IRB...
Hmmm, some heady comments here, especially considering that the problem is actually non-existent anyway.

Right, as stated just yesterday, the normal annual power struggle has been sorted in less than 24 hours. The lone voice of dissent to the compromise position reached between White and Hoskins is now Mike Stofile.

Just some background on mr Stofile`s position:

- Mike Stofile(hereafter called "Little Brother") is the deputy president of SARU. Or the vice-president, I`m not 100% sure- he`s one of the 2, the other being Doos Basson.
- Little Brother doesn`t much like that vice- or is it deputy- tag in front of his ***le.
- Oregan Hoskins is the current president of SARU.
- Little Brother wants Hoskins` job- whether for the greater good of SA rugby, or for the greater good of Little Brother`s pocket is debatable.
- Rev. Mankhesise Stofile is the Minister of Sport and Recreation in SA. He is also Little Brother`s Big Brother.
- Little Brother wants some help from Big Brother to get said Hoskins job.
- You do the math- is there really such a huge problem, or is it merely a case of a typical ambitious politician?

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