By the French though? Or the Pontypridd paramilitary posing as yellow vest revolutionists, and making a claim for a shared RWC.I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Ireland, France, Wales, and England to win.
Then for the lolz England and Wales win the semi-finals and Stade de France gets burned down 8 hours before kickoff.
Quarter final predictions:
New Zealand vs. Ireland. New Zealand win due to a dodgy decision. Forward pass etc. Sexton goes absolutely mental and attempts to attack the ref.
South Africa vs. France. Dupont plays but obviously not 100%. Libbok surprisingly has over a 90% success rate at kicking in the game!
Wales vs. Argentina. Wales win fairly comfortably.
England vs. Fiji. England win a lot more comfortably than most English fans believe they will. English fans continue to ***** and moan especially due to Farrell playing and because of the kicking tactics.
Or...I predict four nailbiting quarterfinals which each could go to the wire, followed next week by two semis which are done and dusted before there's 20 minutes on the clock
The quarters will be huge mismatches, by any of the teams involved, and the semis prove a step too far for some very fancied teams...
I said it before the tournament, but not sure if I believed it but I fancy Wales to win the thing. It's the perfect Cinderella story, Gatland returns, after a horror show for him and Wales without each other. form goes out the windows at semis sometimes, and finals are a free for all.
You should've bookmarked a lot of my earlier stuff...Bookmarked
Tbh I think that's more likely than Wales beating NZ in the semiIt would be funny if Ireland beat NZ only to get absolutely **** housed by Wales in the semi. Unlikely but one can dream.
Yeah it's a weird one, really, on paper or form or whatever, we should be wanting to avoid Ireland but if we do manage to beat Argentina then I think I would rather play Ireland than NZ.Tbh I think that's more likely than Wales beating NZ in the semi
It would be funny if Ireland beat NZ only to get absolutely **** housed by Wales in the semi. Unlikely but one can dream.
AWJ to run on the field against Ireland like the ultimate warrior if that happens.
d) Play NZ in the pool stagesThere's a pretty reliable world cup history that any team that beats the allblacks then goes on to lose their next game (edit - in knockout stages. France were the first team to beat NZ in group stages a few weeks ago) . So if you want to win a world cup, then you need to either :
a) be New Zealand
b) not play against NZ
c) beat NZ in the final
So actually Ireland beating NZ and then losing a semifinal to Wales isn't so fanciful.