well if HB is watching these posts at all.... please there is still time to recover some damage? unlike Rugby 08, there exist such thing us updates.... please listen to us and add some updates to the games though PSN or XBOX live. There are a couple I need:
1) Ranking system for online players
Same ranking system the IRB use will work nicely. Decimals can be used for finer distinction between players.
2) Custom Tournaments setup
This is something seriously missing from RWC2011. Even with Rugby 08 I had two friend I invited, and we used to play a Tri Nations Tournament over a couple of beers. RWC2011 doesn't have the option to set up small tournaments between mates! They can also take a leaf out of the book from FIFA World Cup 2010 (a game I believe also came from HB).Even in FIFA, you could play online World Cups, and somehow the engine would make you join a World Cup immediately, and start playing from the Play offs
3) Camera Angles
You took away the nice customization I could make with Rugby 08. Why? There was a specific view I could create with the sliders, and I loved the slow matrix-like turning screen during turnovers.
4) Line Outs
They were a bit better with Rugby 08. Now it is simplified and not so cool.
5) Off Loads
They worked better and more responsive with Rugby 08. I seem to find myself regularly tapping X but nothing happens.
I bought this game because I used to keep my PS2 console only for Rugby 08. I had to dust off the PS2 for when friends visit. Now I don't need to, but like I mentioned, the Custom Tournament is taken away. That sucks because I dpn't like pulling out a pen and paper and writing done scores to calculate who is playing best in afternoon when the game used to calculate a table for us automatically. Especially if I enjoy some beers with my mates
Come on HB, please think of what we used to love about this Rugby game, and bring it back!!!! I will still continue to play this game, it is just painfull to remember how it used to be, and what we have to put up with now.