v. happy with the announcement and that there was an announcement at all! Its good to hear something after what was a long wait
in terms of feedback, online 100% confirmed was essential - if it happens (an it undoubtedly will, even if the AI is excellent) that we play it so much that it becomes easy to rack up scores against the CPU and always will, playing against another person will add its own longevity to the game. Everyone has their own tricks and traits and styles when playing, games between each other will be the future for this game I reckon
All that said, it is vital (VITAL I say) that online play is tested to within an inch of its life to remove any buggyness/lag/connectivity issues to ensure the game does have a future long after the RWC comes to a close
I've a few more bits and pieces to add but will put them in another post to allow the above to stand on its own, it is THAT important - we need a good, stable, consistent online setup for the game