Wow, I wasn't actually expecting an answer. I was trying to poke fun at your....professionalism when it comes to answering every question. Sorry.As I said, each has its merits. I prefer the PS2 controller best, Xbox graphics are the best, and GameCube has some innovative ***les.Out of curiosity, do you have a personal favourite. Don't sit on the fence please.Indeed. I own both a PS2 and an Xbox (and a Gamecube) myself.it wasn't a statement of preference from Mario of one console over another, it was a statement correcting an earlier posts lack of facts.
Each console has its merits.
Overall, I probably play the PS2 most because the games I have for it are pretty easy to pick up and put down, and I don't have much time these days.
...Is it coming on Xbox!?Pfft...It wasn't mocking...Wow, I wasn't actually expecting an answer. I was trying to poke fun at your....professionalism when it comes to answering every question. Sorry.[/QUOTE]
I would'nt try an mock him
who knows what will happen to ya.
...And Woosah, I used to have a PS2 as well, but then I sold it pretty much the day before I found out about that new golf game. Shame. Then, a couple of days ago I recieved an email from Sony, telling me that my power adapter could be a safety hazard. Lol.