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Rugby League 2 (ps2)

yeah ak mate calm down it sounds like the reviewer is playing 10 min games total length. play 10 min halves and your stats will be fine. the game is not ruined.

with regards to bugs in rl 1 they actually knew about a lot of them but had to ship the game with them due to the deadline. they did fix some with a patch that they released.
Originally posted by esoj@Nov 30 2005, 02:32 PM
yeah ak mate calm down it sounds like the reviewer is playing 10 min games total length. play 10 min halves and your stats will be fine. the game is not ruined.
IMO - the reviewer is a spastic aswell

I reckon 10 mins games - i'd get more than 12-0 scorelines.........not that I am boasting, but i remain confident even 5 min halves will be a good challenge to get guys on the rep side

Also i remember Mario sayin, only a maximum amount of players can be 'summons to represent' (hello PES) from the same team...thus perhaps 3-4 is the max anyways

Heck Ronny got SHIF picked in the QLD side and not HUNT.....why is this....I'LL TELL YA WHY..............LOCKY, CARROL (TBA), PETRO, TATE, HODGES and even other broncos got picked...thus the programming needed someone from another team, and HUNT couldnt make it as the broncos would be pilfered and turned into the BABY PONIES (or whatever they call themselves around may/june).

All sounds good to me

More Raiders in rep sides, the more authentic/simulated the game really is IMO
I'd suggest it would be crap to play only 5 minute halves - takes the player fatigue factor out of the game, and probably the reason the reviewer was getting some really low scoring games/wins..............
yeah you maybe onto something there ak with the amount of players from one team that can be in a rep team. because don't you only get a squad of 25 in franchise mode so if you had over 4 out due to rep selection could be cutting it close playerwise.
yeah that was a great read, i wish i was that guy LOL
get to play rugby league like now

g i hope i can play it on my laptop or i wont get to play while i am on holiday in chch
Originally posted by esoj@Nov 30 2005, 02:52 PM
yeah you maybe onto something there ak with the amount of players from one team that can be in a rep team. because don't you only get a squad of 25 in franchise mode so if you had over 4 out due to rep selection could be cutting it close playerwise.
Yeah Esoj - Mario DID say only a maximum 'X' amount of players from 1 club team can represent.........due to the roster count during the split rounds of the SOO

I remember asking if I was dominating the comp with the raiders, that all raiders would be picked for rep

He shut me down with that explanation...........perfectly accpetable, and makes total sense.
it sure does mate as your squad is only so big. man this review and q&A is just making me want it even more now
Sorry for causing a bit of panic, I knew all along that playing 10 minute halves would be fine, i still think its pretty bad for those who want to play different length games. I played ten minute halves when I first got RL1, but once I started playing on league god mode it was immpossible to hold a lead with 10 minute halves, so I shortened and it was awsome.
Has anyone heard about the minimum requirements for RL2? I want to know if it will run on my laptop.

I did a quick search but couldn't find it anywhere.
found this for you buddy. off the trublu website

PC System Requirements

PC Minimum System Requirements:

32MB 3D DirectX 8.1a compatible accelerated video card
16 Bit DirectX 8.1a compatible Sound Card
850MB of Hard Drive Space
Windows 98SE, 2000*, ME, XP*
CDROM drive

*With latest service pack
PC Recommended Requirements:

P4 1.3GHz
64MB 3D DirectX 8.1a compatible Texture & Lighting video card
16 Bit DirectX 8.1a compatible Sound Card
850MB of Hard Drive Space
Windows 98SE, 2000*, ME, XP*
24x CDROM drive

*With latest service pack

Alan said though that it wat not very accurate

also found this post from mario
The final minimum specs for PC are around the same as for RL1, but for good results you should have a 1GHz+ processor, 512MB+ of RAM, and a 64MB graphics card.

Basically the faster and better the specs of the machine the better the results will be.
Ah! Easy peasy.

Oh, and would you believe, that is the one site I didn't think of looking?

I wouldn't. That's just stupid. There are billions of websites out there, there's no way that even I would think of all of them.

Believe it or not.


Oh, and thanks.
That's a good way of breaking it woosaah.

I'd leave those sorts of shenanigans for the track/field/road.
lol glad to help boys it's all for the greater good. the more that can enjoy the goodness that is rl 2 the better. It is my Christmas present to the forum so hopefully you now can all enjoy rl 2. woosaah just don't get caugh playing it online at work
Originally posted by esoj@Nov 30 2005, 09:56 PM
It is my Christmas present to the forum so hopefully you now can all enjoy rl 2.
Cheers, sure as hell beats Rippers "friendly" punch in the arm... f***ing grinch...

Bah Humbug.
yeah but work has a wicked connection

na i only going to put it on my laptop for the Christmas break that way i dont have to take my xbox down to chch. otherwise iw ould have no rl2 to play while i was away.

plus all my mates want to play it
just output it onto the tv and it will be sweet

i play a few games at work, normally like freecell and spider, though i do have sims2 on my laptop, just havn't played that in ages
ah your a good man woosaah. Yeah rl 2 will defintely be getting a lot of play by me over the christmas break.
They might actually be right too. If it comes out on xbox at all( I dont know if its been officially confirmed yet)

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