Very mild controversy continues in that the World Rugby appointed performance review of Spain, using Hourcade of Sudamerica rugby appears to have been extended indefinitely. With Hourcade as High Performance Director for both Spain and Portugal in addition to the same role covering the whole of South America.
Hourcade's protege Raul Perez is also coming over to assist Spain in their development, presumably quitting his job as Paraguay head coach and head coach of Olimpia Lions in SLAR.
La Federación Española de Rugby está cerca de incorporar a Raúl ‘Aspirina’ Pérez a su estructura técnica en un cargo como el de director de desarrollo o similar. Pérez es un técnico que colabora habitualmente con Daniel Hourcade, el exseleccionador de los Pumas, a quien World Rugby envío hace...
I don't particularly like this for four reasons:
i) World Rugby taking urgent action to improve Spain mid way through a RWC qualification campaign, which may be to the detriment of Spain's rivals. It smacks of WR trying to assist areas they consider most promising commercially. I wish Spain and Portugal every success in the future but will be cheering on Russia and Romania for this qualification (and I like Hourcade, he is very astute, so its nothing personal).
ii) I'm sure Hourcade has his hands full covering the whole of South America and this will dilute his role there.
iii) it would leave Olimpia Lions high and dry without their coach on the of SLAR (another possible sign of a lack of funds in SLAR).
iv) If Chile meets Portugal or Spain the repechage, which is a likely scenario, then there is a big conflict of interest for Hourcade.
Hopefully all a storm in the teacup.