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Rugby Challenge 5


Academy Player
Nov 25, 2023
Hi there!!!!, after seeing Rugby 25 Early Access, I really wish to have a Rugby Challenge 5 sooner than later in the near future.

Does anyone have any info, if this game if being developed?

I know that the Rugby Challenge Series come out every 4 - 5 years!!! And Rugby Challenge 4 was realeased in 2020..........................So , maybe...........

I think Rugby Challenge is the Best Rugby Game so far!!!
I'm not sure why BA would release such a poor game for early access. All the games they have released recently have had issues (AFL, cricket, tiebreak early access). Credit to them they support and release patches regularly, I've played cricket 24 and enjoyed it. But it's a weird strategy nonetheless.

I don't think we will see another rugby challenge game. It seems like Rugby 2025 is going to be the most fully licensed game ever, hopefully the finished product game play lives up.

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