I tend to agree with most opinions on here.
@welshglory, you summed up RC well by saying it "was frustrating to play"
@jack/Cymro, i never played RWC11, so can't compare the two games, so licensing debate I can't argue either. I DO know, that RC had very poor gameplay, as I mentioned above. The logic wasn't very good, and certain aspects or situations in the game would throw you right off. The graphics were great, I really hope they keep that or even tweak it to a degree. For jack, and me, more realistic teams and squads and tournaments would've been a big plus. The player editor was also a big up in that, it just took time to edit all the players, to real ones.
@jack/frodo, a rugby 13 with more effort and idea put into it would be great, followed by an annual release with more improvements. I honestly would settle for every second year, if it means giving them more time to research and design the thing.