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Rugby '15 announced

Would love to know what you think. Maybe it's just me.

Only played an hour or so, but heres my thoughts.

Completely disagree with you on one point..... the menus aren't that good lol

As for the rest, Im a little worried you may be right. The animations don't really bother me, but there doesn't seem to be much depth to the game. Commentary is typical of HB studios, alright, but full of bugs, e.g. allot of penalties are discussed as yellow cards, when wasn't given. When you do get a yellow card, you only know it because there is a yellow tab on the scoreboard. No animations at all.

The control system is completely new, and is going to take a serious amount of getting used to. Some parts I like, others not so much. Not convinced by the passing system, but will give it some time.

The career mode seems to default every game to easy setting, so you have to change it on the prematch screen, a little annoying as after one game I changed to medium, and haven't lost a game yet.

All this seasons players seem to be there, mostly well rated but a few anomalies (Bowe is apparently Ulsters worst winger!)

So far Im fairly disappointed, but will give it some more time.Feels very unfinished, like a game might be halfway through development. Im sad to say it but if Sidhe released RC2 for the ps4 and offered me a swap, i would take it. I REALLY wish the ps4 was backwards compatible!!

Will play some more tomorrow and let you guys know if it gets better, it may do as I get used to the controls.

thanks for that man!!!, yeah this game is looking pretty bad, NO CUT-SCENES? NO REPLAYS? 1 stadium? basically no modes, yeah this game is not finished, dont know if i should buy this , HB Studios don't deserve our money for putting so much hype on a game that is just not up to the standards of other rugby games. Rugby 08 was amazing, RWC2011 was pretty good, but Rugby 15 is terrible, gonig backwards is never the way to go
With the lack of features and modes, this game sounds like the first Rugby League Live game.
mate, whats the commentary like? english of course!

It's ok. Not the worst aspect of the game. It will do.

Well anybody is more than welcome to swing by my place and play the game. I'll even throw in a braai and beer. It's not selling on eBay yet. Might have to drop the price.

thanks for that man!!!, yeah this game is looking pretty bad, NO CUT-SCENES? NO REPLAYS? 1 stadium? basically no modes, yeah this game is not finished, dont know if i should buy this , HB Studios don't deserve our money for putting so much hype on a game that is just not up to the standards of other rugby games. Rugby 08 was amazing, RWC2011 was pretty good, but Rugby 15 is terrible, gonig backwards is never the way to go

Spot on. Could not agree more. I did score a decent try last night and so badly wanted to check the replay. Within 0.01 second the game kicked off again. It's really sad the option is not there. There is non of that "check my try" moments.

Can anyone please tell me if sam burgess is playing for bath and his position and rating thanks

Did not see him . I'll check for you again.
@se77rn what did I ask yesterday? That can you not double, triple or even quad post. Its really not difficult to edit your posts into one

1. Click edit post (its next to the reply and reply with quote buttons)
2. Copy the content
3. Edit the first post, and paste the copied content in there and save
4. Delete the extra posts
5. reapeat as required.
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Thanks and also does the unlicensed teams like the all blacks have people that look similar or have a similar names

Not at all. They look nothing like the real players. Jean de villiers looks like Tana Umanga with a pony tail

Sorry new to this posting thing . Will not happen again
Ok mine has arrived. Here we go...

First impression.

-The controls are very hard to get used to after having used the bumpers to pass for every rugby game ever. As such passing feels ropey but to be fair thats to do with me being **** also.
-I like the breakdown system, you have to release, contest, and secure, leading to penalties at the breakdown. Good to see.
-Kicking is meh.
-Goal kicking is grand, like the old madden system.
-Menus are glorious :D
-Animations look dodgy from end camera but it all looks smooth from side.
-There are tactics but I havent really explored them.
-My biggest issue so far is the ratings of players. I know its easily changed but it shows a basic lack of giving a **** from the developers. I played as Leinster and **** is just nuts. The developers clearly looked at the leinster starting squad from some random pro 12 match and decided that was the strongest team Leinster had. Darragh Fanning was 91 ovr. Thats bonkers. More bonkers again was the fact Mick McGrath was a 91 rated lock. Seriously a 5 minute sit down with anyone with a passing knowledge of their team would solve all that ****.
- Ben Teo, Leinsters league import, wasnt in the squad so I wouldn't be sure Burgess is there im sorry to say. I'll check for sure later.

I'll give it a proper session in a bit and see where we stand.
This thread is rather depressing to read the day before I'm gonna pay full price for the game...
Ok, had a longer play now. The verdict isn't great.

-Difficulty- well Im already on to hard (the top difficulty). It is difficult, but I am winning more than I am losing. That sounds ok, but factor in that the cpu has not scored a single try against me, and Ive now played 6 or 7 games. They score all their points from me giving away penalties at the breakdown-

-The breakdown- and here is why the cpu scores penalties. The idea of the breakdown is actually very good, its one of the few parts of the game I am impressed with. However there are multiple problems. One of the biggest is that it is far too easy to turn the opposition over. I would reckon that I turn them over more than 50% of their rucks.It doesn't work the same the other way round, I can normally hold on to my own ball. The R2 button is used for so much in this game, and is so sensitive that if you have your finger lightly on it you accidentally infringe in the ruck, allot. That I am getting used to, but it is annoying. I tried out of curiosity just tackling and not competing at the breakdown. Im fairly sure that I could do that for the rest of my life and they would never score a try.

- The passing- in principle the system isn't bad, once you get used to it, but the implementation is not good. I can not seem to control who the ball is passed to, and for that matter even in what direction. Regularly I am pushing the right stick in one direction, a player is highlighted in that direction, and the ball goes the other way. Can not seem to get the receiving player to do a quick pass immediately after receiving either, they will get tackled and then you can try to offload, which again seems to go in a random direction. Im afraid to say that I preferred the shoulder buttons to pass left and right. By quite some distance this doesn't work as well. Also, every now and then you randomly through the ball way up in the air, what is that about!

-The opposition line speed- this is ridiculous. Even with your offensive line set for a kick, you will not have time to do so, instead your 10 will be tackled, and that then leads to the annoying knock on that always happened in RWC 11. You actually will rarely have time to pass the ball on again either, for the same reason, take the tackle and try to offload is your only real choice.

-Set plays- far too difficult, rarely win my own ball, never theirs.

-That bloody difficulty setting!!!! Defaults to easy on every game, and I can't seem to find a master settting to fix it!!

There are some things I like-
-I really like the kicking from hand, no arrows to help you, just need to get the direction right by yourself. This is excellent. The key to winning on hard is to play a territory based game (partly to avoid giving up kickable penalties when you inevitably infringe). If you kick badly they will receive and come back at you, kick well and you can get behind the opposition.
-I like the goal kicking system, tricky but good
-The maul system is a great idea, just not great implementation.

It plays like a game which would be halfway through development. That may be how they see it, with an eye to next years world cup, maybe they thought this would get them a bit of a development pot of cash, but I fear it may kill off another game. Maybe it should have been released as download only, for £15, at that sort of level I would have been happy enough, but it sickens me that it cost me £50

Will probably still keep it though, my ps3 is broken so I can't play RC2, and this is the only option on the ps4. I would however far rather be playing RC2
Ok, had a longer play now. The verdict isn't great.

-The opposition line speed- this is ridiculous. Even with your offensive line set for a kick, you will not have time to do so, instead your 10 will be tackled, and that then leads to the annoying knock on that always happened in RWC 11. You actually will rarely have time to pass the ball on again either, for the same reason, take the tackle and try to offload is your only real choice.

Try playing with a friend (2 Players). There is no way you get past the flyhalf. There is just no time at all to execute a move or get it to the wing.

There is no standard setplays. The ability is there to create your own set play (pass to 13 then inside ball back to 12 or skipp pass) but there is just not enough time to do it.

Then there is the ball warping to your players hands from 5 meters away. Wait till you experience the get on up vampire style (not sure how to call it) bug. Where your player gets tackled and just float back up and continue as if nothing happend. Or giving away a penalty in your own 22 to only find out that the CPU is kicking for goal 20 meters out. Magically moved 50 meters up field. I can go on and on. I hope they bring out a patch to fix things otherwise I can see loads of people returning or selling it.

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