Hey Lox, have you gone through the tutorial yet?. Is it the same as last years, if not what is new to do?, perhaps some new hidden gameplay features in there. Wishful thinking..... [/b]
It is easier to get kicks away in this game and it doesnt seem to knock on anywhere near as much as in 06. I went for a kick as someone was charging down and I thought " crap knock on here " and I couldnt believe it when the kick was got away. So thats better to be fair.
Jumping is pap in 06. You can get it everytime from the kickoff and all you have to do to score is put a bomb up over the goal line and its a try because the AI never contest. I had to ban short kick offs and no bombs in the opponents 20m or the game was ruined really.
BTW Im almost positive that the videos were shot on pro. Lox's is a big girl and doesnt play on elite, dont know why, he mullered me last time we played. But now im stronger and better than ever. Bring it on ***** [/b]
Ha ha ha ha! I only play it on Pro so I can get the hang of it. I can't defend for toffee on this game.
I did however play one game, australia v south africa on elite. 5 minute halves, 1st half side cam, 2nd half hover cam and I really enjoyed it.
Won't tell you the score cos the vid will be on youtube sometime today!