Thank youI can't remember lol ill have a look later
Thanks for trying man,and thank you for keeping us updated,hope you manage to get it working,let me know if i can help in any way possible.Been having trouble finding an old compiler, fun times
Is there a video or info on Woosah's editor for 08. Have the latest 24 update, but would like to eddit some ratings. Rugby 08 is so good, and if your laptop or Pc has a hd out cable you can play it on a 55in screen, just discovered that last night.Rugby 06 was a great game that unlike Rugby 08 went forgotten.
Is there some mods or a roster editor available anywhere ?
Woosah's editor is great for 08 but unfortunately, it's not compatible with 06 rosters.
Great stuff, yea funny, all this Rugby 25 interest has drove up Rugby gaming interest and brought old Rugby gamers out of the woods because we know the game we grew up with was greatOK, not sure if that is an old build that I put in or not...
you should open it and it should ask where you installed rugby 06 and where your .ros file is (as they are normally in different places) from there you should be able to use the drop down to pick a player or use the search function.
I am going to see if I can import it and convert it for you
If you need to reset where everything is just delete the setup.dat file I have there
Also what a mess that code iswho knew that somebody would want this almost 20 years later
Hallo @woosaah ,any progress?Been having trouble finding an old compiler, fun times