If you like burgers, check out this site (I hope it works - it is a bit slow sometimes): http://www.cheeseandburger.com/
A favorite non-burger for me is a Green Devil - liverwurst on rye, with a touch of mayonnaise, topped with sliced green (bell) pepper, sliced onion, and sliced green olives. 'Tis yummy!! (Hmmm...maybe I should call it the 'Chabal'... )
It isn't an easy sandwich to pair a drink with, but a pint of Guinness couldn't hurt!
you know...you think this is all for good fun, and you think I'm being funny as I reply but really you're desecrating the codes.
In the good old days, well, at least in the era some could refer to as the "good old days", we would have the recalcitrant ones burnt. For witchery. To restore the beautifully harmonious state of the world between men and other things.
Ah, the glorious times...
My God...it's..it's beautiful...
P.S.: I was only (half) kidding of course by the way, ha ha ha, I'm a firm believer in equity and parity and such..."news ideas". Ha ha ha.
If you want me to ever take you seriously here, you must try MUCH harder than you do. Methinks you and I are peas in a pod when it comes to our rather odd sense of humor.
never heard of that "fernet" drink...cool post, wouldn't have imagined that sort of food and beverage combo in Argentina. That pork sandwich looks mmmmmmmmmmm......
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Fernet is a bitter alcoholic beverage amaro type made from several types of herbs (myrrh, rhubarb, chamomile, cardamom and saffron, etc.), which are macerated in grape alcohol, filtered and aged in oak barrels for a period which may be from 6 to 12 months. It has a dark color, intense aroma and alcohol content is between 39 and 45 degrees depending on the brand.