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Quota Players Ruining Rugby!

I think at the end of the day, this just highlights how backwards South Africa still is, whatever the outcome. Is PDV racist? Maybe? But that isn't the issue. I don't know what colour of skin rugbywriter has, but I do know that he is part of the problem, because people are talking about skin colour like it is an issue, you defend liberalism and come out with all this ''the best player should play'', but at the end, you are just bringing up old wounds that are still healing in South Africa. It is clear skin colour is still a major issue in South Africa, I lived there for two years from 2004-2005, and while I know I will not be as knowledgable as South African born people, there is still a major issue. It is a backwards country, apartheid is still there in principle because there is a generation who was brought up with the apartheid still alive and when people bring up skin colour in South Africa, even if it is to defend it, it is throwing fuel to the fire. Everyone should just leave it alone, stop bringing up skin colour, that is the issue that South Africa faces.

By mentioning it, you are bringing the issue to life again, which is not what South Africa needs. Mandela was the greatest thing you could have had, with his idea of forgiveness and moving forward. Stop thinking of colour as an issue and move forward, forgive PDV for his selections and stop trying to read too much into it. That philosophy is pretty much dead now because people still want to bring it up.
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Nick, I didn't just dismiss his opinion. Clearly he just called me a ******** first, before even arguing anything. I was dismissive towards him after he called me a dick head, so don't make out like I initiated the name calling. And by the way, I know that you WERE calling me an idiot.

By the way, I completely agree with you about making black South Africans love it. What SARU should rather do instead of putting in undeserving players and punishing innocent whites, is set up rugby initiative things in the townships when they bring lots of the black rugby players and a couple of white ones. They kind of did this in 1995 and it actually worked. Sadly, SARU are more talk and no action. They find it much easier to put some arb black in the team instead of working from the bottom up. Who knows what talent we could uncover by going to the townships and showing them rugby, but SARU rather puts in alot of blacks in the team and hopes that black township kids happen to switch on the TV and say "Hey! There's blacks!" Just putting unqualified players in the team is bad for EVERYONE, black or white. No matter what your skin colour, when you're not ready for international rugby, you're just not ready. So it doesn't make the black guys look too good either.

And fine, I'll leave you to your opinon about Januarie being the next best scrumhalf, despite not even making the Stormers starting team.
I think at the end of the day, this just highlights how backwards South Africa still is, whatever the outcome. Is PDV racist? Maybe? But that isn't the issue. I don't know what colour of skin rugbywriter has, but I do know that he is part of the problem, because people are talking about skin colour like it is an issue, you defend liberalism and come out with all this ''the best player should play'', but at the end, you are just bringing up old wounds that are still healing in South Africa. It is clear skin colour is still a major issue in South Africa, I lived there for two years from 2004-2005, and while I know I will not be as knowledgable as South African born people, there is still a major issue. It is a backwards country, apartheid is still there in principle because there is a generation who was brought up with the apartheid still alive and when people bring up skin colour in South Africa, even if it is to defend it, it is throwing fuel to the fire. Everyone should just leave it alone, stop bringing up skin colour, that is the issue that South Africa faces.

By mentioning it, you are bringing the issue to life again, which is not what South Africa needs. Mandela was the greatest thing you could have had, with his idea of forgiveness and moving forward. Stop thinking of colour as an issue and move forward, forgive PDV for his selections and stop trying to read too much into it. That philosophy is pretty much dead now because people still want to bring it up.

Don't you dare come here telling me that I'm the problem in my country when you only lived here for 2 years! It is not the whites fault for this country not moving forward! We have tried our utmost to reconcile, how many undeserving players have to make the team for us to call it square?

Now for you to say apartheid is still here is shocking and shows how you know nothing about South Africa. You have no idea how white South Africans are being forced to suffer. Whites at government companies are not allowed to be promoted. Infact, most have been demoted. Your company can't get any government tenders or grants if there are even a handful of whites. Whites pay 80% of the personal tax in this country and commit 0,75% of the crime, yet we get punished the most. Vodafone came out with its Yebo Yethu initiative, in which it easily allows people of colour to by shares in their companu. It clearly states that you will be disqualified if you are white. Vodafone was started AFTER 1994.

More then 3000 white farmers have been murdered since 1994. 3000. I want you to think about just how many that is. They get killed in the most horrific ways. Women get their breasts cut off and get glass bottles shoved up their private parts. Do you not think this has anything to do with people like Peter Mokaba singing "Shoot the Boer" or Julius Malema singing "Kill the Boer". It is not whites who are moving this country backwards, it is unfortunately the blacks who are in charge.

You think Nelson Mandela is this saint? Think again. Nelson Mandela killed more black people then any white person ever has. If you were black and the ANC asked you to join and you didn't want to, what would happen? You would get necklaced. This is when you get covered in petrol and have tires placed around you and you get set alight. Nelson and Winnie Mandela carried out tons of these. And what if your mother was in one of the hotels he bombed? Or what if your father was in the church he bombed? Would you think he was a saint then if he killed one of your parents? Children lost their parent's because of him - black and white. And you think he just "forgave" whites? I suppose you think he could have just had us all killed? Really? Well, the only reason the ANC came to power was because the communist-filled United Nations forced them into power. If Nelson Mandela did just kill all the whites, he would lose the UN's support. Also, whites still had control of the millitary, which had all the nuclear weaponary.

It is people like you that make me sick and that ruin the world. Coming here and spewing your liberal feel-good bullshit and anti-white hate. Why is it that a black can never be at fault? Never! It is always whites that are in the wrong! Whites are not at fault, the anti-white regime and people like you are at fault.
rugbywriter said:
Nelson Mandela killed more black people then any white person ever has

Can you back that staement up? It's a pretty massive, and almost definetly false, claim

rugbywriter said:
Whites pay 80% of the personal tax in this country and commit 0,75% of the crime, yet we get punished the most


rugbywriter said:
We have tried our utmost to reconcile

Sweeping statements do nothing to enforce an arguement.

rugbywriter said:
Well, the only reason the ANC came to power was because the communist-filled United Nations forced them into power

Pretty sure communism had all but collapsed by the time apatheid ended in SA.
Can you back that staement up? It's a pretty massive, and almost definetly false, claim


Sweeping statements do nothing to enforce an arguement.

Pretty sure communism had all but collapsed by the time apatheid ended in SA.

Just shows how little you know about South African history and history as a whole. Read a book called "The People's War: New Light On the Armed Struggle for South Africa". I can't remember who its by. Not just that, go to boerboel1.wordpress.com for confirmation of any statistics.

And the ANC is a communist party
Can you back that staement up? It's a pretty massive, and almost definetly false, claim


Sweeping statements do nothing to enforce an arguement.

Pretty sure communism had all but collapsed by the time apatheid ended in SA.

Infact, I'll bet you anything that my statement about Mandela killing more black people then any white person is true! Seriously, I'll bet you anything
@rugbywriter Dude Im going to tell you nicely. 1. Stop insulting people when they don't agree with their views and 2. Edit your damn post. Im sick and tired of people failing to edit their posts. Mate its not hard and quite simple to do. Others do it, you are not an exception to the rule.
@rugbywriter Dude Im going to tell you nicely. 1. Stop insulting people when they don't agree with their views and 2. Edit your damn post. Im sick and tired of people failing to edit their posts. Mate its not hard and quite simple to do. Others do it, you are not an exception to the rule.

Dude don't try change the subject
Dude don't try change the subject

Surely you changed the subject by bringing Mandela and the like into a thread about quotas? This was supposed to be a thread about South African rugby, not the ANC and alleged murder.
Sorry, but how is this thread still open?

Mind you, it's damn entertaining reading rugbywritier and ranger have a cyber-punchup
C'mon keep posting!
It's like reading a textual version of an arguement/debate between the leader of the AWB and Ban Ki Moon! (if thats how you speel his name)

Now, if only Malema new how to use a computer...
IronMike did bring it up, but you're the one who turned it into a political debate mate! Why did you take offense to what he said?! He was just highlighting the problem, which is the fact that South Africa hasn't yet completely moved on from Apartheid, which isn't suprising considering it hasn't even been 20 years since it's end. Now I'm not saying that it's like pre-'94 South Africa where there is segregration and the non-whites of SA are oppressed, I'm saying that the after-affects and the racial-tension left over from apartheid appreas to still remain. Like IronMike said the simple fact that you're bringing it up is adding to that tension, and the only way to really and truly move on is to just leave it.
Now my advice mate, is to keep this topic on the rugby, and if you really want to discuss this, make a thread in the off-topic section. I'd be happy enough to contribute mate.
Whoah. You know when an argument gets out of hand? I think this is one of those times.

Dude don't try change the subject
Well, seeing as he just entered the conversation, and doing so in an administrative role, I'd suggest you say 'yes sir' and leave it there. Why do you always have to turn things in an argument. I was calling you an idiot, because you act like one. You get abusive and spout sh*t that offends people. Just relax mate, it's really not worth getting into a fight about everything. Sometimes it's better to turn the other cheek, say 'what ever', and leave it there.
Whoah. You know when an argument gets out of hand? I think this is one of those times.

Well, seeing as he just entered the conversation, and doing so in an administrative role, I'd suggest you say 'yes sir' and leave it there. Why do you always have to turn things in an argument. I was calling you an idiot, because you act like one. You get abusive and spout sh*t that offends people. Just relax mate, it's really not worth getting into a fight about everything. Sometimes it's better to turn the other cheek, say 'what ever', and leave it there.

boooo, this thread was getting interesting :mad:
But its true rugbywriter, by mentioning it you are bringing the whole issue to life, when there really isn't an issue. So yes, people who bring the issue up are creating the issue and are the problem, like yourself. Ricky Janurie is a fine player, a bit of experience to his name and that is why he was selected. Zane Kirchner fluctuates in form but on a good day and especially during the Super 14 semi-finals was rock solid and I swear I saw one of the best performances a fullback could give, ever. Stop making skin colour an issue, because it isn't.

This will be my last post here, I'm sorry for adding ''fuel to the fire'' as it were.

By here I mean this topic.
Sorry I've just walked in on this Klan meeting and frankly it's getting out of hand.

Don't know if I can moderate or edit this without shutting it down. Will have to discuss with the other staff before I can do anything in any case. So, those of you with your favourite swastika flag can put it up again until I return.
Why isn't there a quota system for the soccer team?

Rugbywriter brings up some good points. The SA rugby team are really handicapped by the quota system in place.

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