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Pro Rugby Manager 15

^^^...remember when those didn't even exist, let alone happen with practically every AAA release?!

To be honest I don't mind all that much. If there was a bug in the old days (on consoles, anyway) then that bug was on the discs and you had a serious problem. Now, you can get issues fixed. To an extent it encourages lazy development (not accusing anyone here) because there's that safety net of the patch but I'd rather have a patched and fully working product that can be patched again when needs be.

But yes, day one patches are very much de facto now - the old PES goalkeeper bug would have been fixed had the PlayStation supported it!
I have a few questions:

1.So far with a few teams, I have not managed to play any games at all before something has happened (such as me quitting without saving or the game crashing at the April 2015 point). Is this supposed to be how it is, with a whole season without any games first?

2.Why does every team I take hold of show bank balances of various strength (but always with a positive balance), but then when I begin to manage them they have negative $16 or $17mil?

3.I'm not sure how the training works. Let's say that I have a player with a 67 scrum ability and it is purple, does this mean that he can't train this any more and has reached it's highest capacity? And the purple number that says 0 at the start of the season indicates that this is being trained hard (or would be if he hadn't reached his maximum capacity)?

4.How do I develop a youth player into a decent squad player? Is it better to leave him in a development team for as long as possible? If a player consistently plays, will he be better than a player who does not receive any game time?
Without wanting to sound too cynical it strikes me as a game that has been released without it being fully developed yet, I have been thinking about this and have come up with a theory that is probably wrong but I'll throw it out there anyway.

When Cyanide decided to release a new PRM game and put it on Kickstarter to get the funding obviously this didn't happen, have they released a rehashed PRM2005 to raise capital to create a proper new game? It would explain the rather rushed feel to the game.
Very interesting to come here and read all this - didn't even realize that this series existed in the first place until this morning and it prompted me to sign up for the forum. To be honest from what I've seen and read the £29.99 price tag seems a bit high - though for anyone after a bargain it appears GAME are selling physical copies at around £22. Tempted myself and may buy a copy in the next day or so - if only to try and encourage more developers to get in on the action and start making more rugby games!
Somewhat disconcerting, think I'll remove this one from my Steam wishlist, if I hear it's been fixed up or a massive price drop maybe I'll look into it again.
Patch is out.

Dear Players

Thanks for your ongoing patience. The first patch 1.13 for PRM 2015 is now live on Steam.

It is recommended that you delete your save game and restart from the beginning for all patches to work. In order to delete your save games, you need to erase the savegame located in "my documents/pro Rugby Manager 2015/Savegame"

This patch fixes the following:

* Fixed the issue with non-working substitutions.
* Added more accurate feedback when trying to replace a player out for yellow card or player that is temporarily on the field because of auto substitution for yellow card.
* Fixed the incorrect points allocation in TOP 14
* Fixed the "Tom Crux" bug. Opening a scouted youth player will not open the "Tom Crux" sheet anymore.
* A Red card still has a very low chance to ban a player for a long time but the maximum duration is reduce from 100 to 50. (Will not work for old saved game)
* Reduction in the frequency of training injuries (Will not work for old saved game)
* Reduction in random injuries for accidents away from the pitch (Will not work for old saved game)
* Reduction in the chances of player illness (Will not work for old saved game)
* Players have a chance to decline when they reach 30 instead of 27 but the chances are very low. They are more likely to decline between 32 and 33.
* Increase minimal age for retiring from 30 to 32.
* Fix crash when offering a contract to a South African's free agent player.
* Fix a bug that can slow the game application after matches
* It is now possible to manually remove from the roster a player who received a red card in the last played match without being forced to use the "automatic" command.
* Fixed some cases where some "not in the game" players could appear on research results with placeholder name.
* Maximum infrastructure level will no longer reduce the chance that a player sign a contract for your team

Please note that we will continue to work on optimizing and updating Pro Rugby Manager 2015; we aim to deliver the best Rugby management experience, so please submit any issues you encounter via [email protected], and we welcome any feedback via the Pro Rugby Manager Facebook page.

Thanks again for your support

PRM Team
Any better with the patch lads? Still on the fence on whether to purchase, i'm annoyed enough as it is and i haven't even bought it!
I'll let you know. Playing it in 20 mins or so. I just really hope they have fixed the part in the 3D engine where you don't know who has the ball. Although it's not on the update list so I'm pessimistic.
Fingers crossed it is at least playable, look forward to reading your thoughts.
It's a little bit better. No problems with the substitutes anymore. This patch isn't a complete game changer, although it does help. Still no idea who has the ball on 3D mode though.
It's really a bit better. For the first time, I got the feeling of actually having an influence on the score. And for the first time, I have a feeling that Cyanide is on a way. We'll see if it is a good one...
It has improved the game but echo the point above in regard to knowing who is who on the pitch and also what the penalty offence is for.
Could you please upload the patch to mediafire or gamefront, I don't have Steam nor do I know how to download patches from Steam. Thanks
As soon as I read you get messages like players cars are stolen and getting divorced I just knew this game would be pants and reminded me of 'PES Ma ager ' .FM have the right idea for management games.

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