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you should try and make your national team before heading to england
that way the best clubs will choose u easily
im only 16, my dream is 2 make the all blacks....but....its so hard new zealand rugby is so damn good, i want to make a better living in the uk and i hold a uk passport so i am legal 2 play for england
thats cool i dont think i could play for any1 else but argentina since i was born there
yeh i have a few mates who will go on 2 play for new zealand. id love to play against them, face the haka, and then lay a massive hit on 1 of them!
na its easy, you just accept it,go thru it in ur head. because i face hakas all the time from other school etc
thats true they do it all the time there not here its just me and anthony this one other guy tha also plays first5\8
one time we played a team from japan and i was leading..and i was advancing and this japanese guy walked ford smiled and then spat at me!!!
what did you do?

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