Carney + Zillman made Joey look like a washed up hack
Thats enuff, that is all.
People can talk all they want but Carney is the next big thing
He has had school rep honours since he was 15
He was always picked ahead of Tim Smith in all rep games in under 18.
People were talking up Tim smith as the next Langer or Stuart - little did they know a fella in Todd Carney had his number during junios, and now finally Elliot is gone, our youngsters are getting exposed to 1st grade, and now all the so called pundits and critis are like, who the hell are these young guys.
The recuiting world knows, the media doesnt
Crusher Cleal, and Gould both tried to poach these 2 in Zilly n Carney and also Weyman......instead they got robertson and Soward, because these 3 players have Canberra blood and have loyalty, and want to be a part of the next mean green machine