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Personally the only games to buy on Launch of the 360, is Perfect Dark Zero, and thats only bcos its made by Rare, and the other is Project Gotham Racing 3....

I will have my console on the 30th December when they come into the store thanx to my connections in Gamestation.....
Well the 360 may have a following with all the Rare fans checking out Perfect Dark. I for one am starting to think 360 as I remember the Goldeneye days.

Nintendo64 I had to buy just because of that one game. I suspect a whole lot of other people did too.
I'm looking forward to Perfect Dark Zero.

Perfect Dark was definitely the best game on Nintendo 64.
Yeah,except none of the Goldeneye team worked on Perfect Dark Zero, they are all too busy making the Timesplitter games, Second Sight was a nice little game too. I used to dream of working at Rare but I cant help feeling a lot of the mystique and talent has dropped since Microsoft brought them off Nintendo.
Its far too early to predict the outcome of the next-gen "war". There so much smoke and mirrors in these early days.

I AM looking forward to the Revolution though, for the same reasons most are, it will hopefully offer something different, in the playing experience at least. IGN report that Retro studios are already hard at work on Metroid Prime 3, so that should be something special with the new controller setup.
Halo 3 might be coming out instead when the movie is released (directed by Peter Jackson)... which is in 2007.
If Petey Jackson is directing it you can be sure it will be the best movie to ever stem from a game. Does Halo have a good enough story line to be turned into a movie though? There was also talk of a Metroid Prime film.
Originally posted by .:kaftka:.@Nov 24 2005, 11:47 AM
I'm looking forward to Perfect Dark Zero.

Perfect Dark was definitely the best game on Nintendo 64.
Heresy, heresy, heresy!!!!!!!

Perfect Dark was not thew big leap from Goldeneye as many expected it would be.

The curent Rare team have a lot of ground to catch up on to come close to ex Rares Goldeneye crowd making the Timesplitters series. One of the most under rated games ever.

Lucky you got a nice girl in your sig Kaftka or I would strike you with my light saber!
Pffft...Light Sabers are old technology. Old. It's no match for my swinging laser stick.
It is more than a match if you swing that way..................

Off Topic...............ah the good old days
PLAYSTATION 3 has the best possible Launch Line-Up which has "KILLER APP" Kilzone 3, MGS4, GT5, To lazy to name 'em all, but its amazing.
I'll defiantely be getting Killzone when the PS3 comes out, as well as another one which I havn't decided. I'll have to do some research but it will probably ve a sport or racing game. Unless Resident Evil 5 turns out to be awesome.
Originally posted by ALLBLACKS@Nov 24 2005, 10:23 PM
PLAYSTATION 3 has the best possible Launch Line-Up which has "KILLER APP" Kilzone 3, MGS4, GT5, To lazy to name 'em all, but its amazing.
It Will be very surprising if any of those games are released at the launch of PS3.
Originally posted by Wally@Nov 24 2005, 11:31 PM
I'll defiantely be getting Killzone when the PS3 comes out, as well as another one which I havn't decided. I'll have to do some research but it will probably ve a sport or racing game. Unless Resident Evil 5 turns out to be awesome.
Killzone 3?????? Whooops......looks like I missed Killzone 2. So I was judging the game too harshly (Killzone the first) when I played it and writ it off very quickly........
Killzone 2 will be out on PS2 I heard, and Killzone 3 for PS3, I might be really messed though lol.
My mistake. Why make a Killzone 2 for PS2 really? They must have two seperate development teams or something if they're making them pretty much at the same time.
Has anyone else seen the shots for all the release games on the 360 yet? I was browsing GS and I have to say I was pretty unimpressed by the visuals on most of their release ***les... I personally think most high end PC's could handle a similar level of detail for even their flagship ***les like Perfect Dark Zero. They're still early games and won't show the full power of the system, but still, I must admit I was expecting more.

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