Right.... but it's not identical.
If you want the proper, 'authentic' one, you pays ya money, you takes ya pick.
If you want the proper, 'authentic' one, you pays ya money, you takes ya pick.
ok, maybe not precisly identical, but the difference is minimal! and the only reason mine isnt tight-fitting is because i bought a size bigger than normal. anyway, my point is you can save £20 on what is near enough the same shirt. (or alternativly you could pick up the old shirt for £20 in a sale) [/b]
Trust me, if you were to work with the jerseys day in day out you would immediately stand yourself corrected.
I saw the new Scottish jersey (along with the Aus and SA one) yesterday and was mightily impressed. I take back my previous comments such as "outrageously disgusting" and "visual diarhhoea". I love it. The only problem is that the 3 countries have the same design.[/b]
I'm not buying the RWC shirt, I don't see the point. Might aswell wait for the new jersey proper to come out (IE without the RWC logo). It's grown on me, but I still prefer the old shirts.