I'm not a Toulon's fan, and of course, even in France this club is easily called as a Barbarian one.
This is to forget that the club is, like Clermont, a big formation center, so I give them the benefice of the doubt, period to confirm that the international recruitment is just here the time for them to reach a national level.
Talking about money without beeing aware of what is planned/build with is stupid. Toulon is not a newbie, and has a real history in rugby.
Now I might be naive, but I don't think that a man like Wilkinson joined this club only for the cash, but maybe because the game plan projected (and other Côte d'azur plesaures) attracted him. I think his game style his much more large since he's here (really better in defense, and dangerous ball in hand. He's also a great man, and I understand why he's been annoblished