TAKE A LOOK AT MY USER NAME!!!!!! If I can make strangers like a person with that name EVEN RASSIE A TRUE BLUE SOUTH AFRICAN then I am sure it is possible for everyone who isn't half as queer to be accepted!
Very simple rules will make us get along (these I have tried to follow all the time I have been here though sometimes I have failed.)
1. Don't insult maliciously (light hearted banter only).
2. If insulted or offended NEVER STRIKE BACK (you won't find a word of me putting anyone down in retaliation for being called fag or anything. Yes that is what some people called me once upon a time). This is the internet. Waste of time abusing people over the net......................thats coward crap. So if someone abuses you don't waste your breath snapping back. Wait till they have calmed down and say either nothing or see if they are ok. They may have been mad cos you provoke them by accident.
3. Be quick to apologise (even if you only suspect you may have done something wrong).
4. Try and make your first post in a new thread your longest one. Say as much as you can. This way all the good stuff gets put at the front of a thread and the add ons are later on. Better reading for visitors. Your add on posts can after the first be smaller if you want.
My suggestions for the count post thingy.
Post count is crap.
We could have a mod rating instead. Mods are voted in once a whatever for the different parts of the forum by TRF members. The mods respponsible for the different areas of the forum give members rating s according to how they see them as contributors for that section. This is displayed like so where the warn section is now.
Gay Guy
General Rugby............................................lllll
International Rugby.....................................lllllllllll
Provinces/Franchises/Club Rugby..................lll
Rugby Gaming.............................................llllllllllll
Other Sports...............................................llllllll
Off Topic.....................................................llllllllllllllllllllll
Therefore the mods (judges) for that section can determine your contribution level for that section which will show always under your avatar. With some clear models of what good posting is (Ak47 writing or CA, etc) and clear guidelines on what is acceptable and what is not. So if people want a good rating then they need to be a good poster. If people dont like the mods for that section..............well thats why they need to vote on election day
) No excuses for a year or so!
Well i better go back to Paltalk. Very cool with web cam and mic!