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Make me Laugh, TRF

^ call me childish, I'm not sure, maybe; what I am certain of as fact is that I cried in laughter for around 10minutes. It's just the most unbelievable build-up, there's a point I thought his entire ass would just explode.
^ call me childish, I'm not sure, maybe; what I am certain of as fact is that I cried in laughter for around 10minutes. It's just the most unbelievable build-up, there's a point I thought his entire ass would just explode.

Yeah I had some tears of laughter as well, it's so funny that all the children are so excited for it to come out of the water and it really just needs to take a huge crap.
I'm going to hell for laughing at this

<img style="-webkit-user-select: none;" src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/996500_10151694550678340_992326502_n.jpg" width="720" height="410">
^ meh...started out cool but the last four a total comedy-buzzkill.
Sir Alex Ferguson has been brought in by Northumbria police to assist in the hunt for Raoul Moat.

After his success with Juan Sebastian Veron, the police think he's the idea man to capture another over hyped useless ****.

Shouldn't it be Paul gasgoin? He was best buds with the guy when it was all over tv
What do you call a Communist "grammar nazi"?

Punctuation Marx

(if you don't find it funny I saw it on twitter but if you did then its totally my joke)
so Saddam Hussein dies and reaches Purgatory. Before being judged, he sees God passing by in the corridors. He urges him to give him one final answer to one last question ever: "God, before probably sending me in the pits of Hell, I've got one little question; I loved Star Trek during my time on Earth but...the show had Caucasians, blacks, asians etc...but never any Arabs...how is that, God ?"
God replies: "well....coz it's in the future".
Not sure about TRF's humor...most of the North-American stuff I post isn't appreciated here but...can't go wrong with Canadians and humor !

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