No he's not a patient, you're the one using that term. He's a player in a training camp, not a mental institution. The unit's name is not great. It is just a structure where players are encouraged to speak up and Arlettaz is a rugby coach, not a doctor, so Jalibert is not his patient.
Yes, I am - because of the words used - which may be "stuff lost in translation"
I never said he was in a mental institution rather than a training camp - you're the one using that term (see, it works both ways if you deliberately mis-understand someone).
"I confided to the 'Mental preparation unit' and Patrick Arlettaz", note the use of the words "mental preparation unit" and the "and" between that and "Patrick Arlettaz".
Note my assumption (unchallenged so far - just ignored) that the "mental preparation unit" is just a t
itle for "sports psychologist" - a sports psychologist has patients, and an assumption of patient confidentiality (unless explicitly bypassed in the wording of contracts and consent forms). The use of the word "and" suggests that he went to the "mental preparation unit", and also went to Patrick Alettaz.
His rant is both about his discomfort about the regime at Marcoussis and the fact that his exchange with Arlettaz came to Galthié's ears before he even got the chance to talk to Fabien in private.
From what you're translated for us. He mentions discomfort with Macoussis, but complains about that information reaching Galthié before he's ready for it to.
"rant" is not a fair reflection of what is written above.
A] I'm posting this to illustrate that Jalibert is not happy with his treatment under Galthié.
B] He has the right to speak up.
C] He should have got a run in the AI and should have at least made the bench v Wales during Ntamack's absence.
D] He doesn't want to be just a filler when Romain is out. He had a good world cup, he's playing well with his club, he doesnt need that shite.
E] Galthié has two world class 10s and needs to manage them but he's not doing that because his man management is not good.
F] This is not the first time a leading player has complained about Galthié's management, the Top 14 is full of them! He's left a trail of destruction behind him at Toulon and Montpellier, the last two clubs he was sacked from.
G] I'm out.
A] You can post for whatever reasons you like.
B] Of course Jalibert has the right to speak up - he has free speech (though it's worth noting that that doesn't come with a freedom from consequence).
C] Probably, yes. But he was unhappy in camp, from the above, was offered to go home instead, and took that offer. Quite honestly, the way the quotes in the first post are worded, Galthié is demonstrating excellent man-management skills.
D] Wow - imagine that, a player wants to be first choice not a back-up - I'm sure that's never happened before. If you want to be first choice, be better at the stuff the coach wants, than the guy in possession.
E] This is your opinion, and quite possibly Jalibert's; but if you want to convince me of that, you'll need to find something better than "Galthié identified that one of his players was suffering with their mental health, discussed it with that player, and offered them a mental health break, which the player accepted, and felt liberated by".
F] Galthié has been in the role for 6 years. I doubt that there's a coach out there who's been in a role for 6 years without a single complaint about them, valid or otherwise
G] You absolutely have that right - meanwhile, I have the right to comment or not, as I see fit.
Now, FTR, I neither know, nor particularly care about Galthié reputation or management style - I'm purely commenting on the information available in this thread.
I do think that he needs to win this 6N or lose his job this summer - but that's because this French team (that he built) should be winning more - they win plenty of matches, but have a soft underbelly, and don't have the silverware they deserve. Ultimately, it's a results business, and Galthié isn't getting the results that matter.
He deserves huge credit for building this team, but they risk achieving the square root of ____ all, and if there's to be a change before the RWC, this summer is the last realistic opportunity that gives a new hire time to do their thing.