They were insured for a payout of up to 10 million. They were not insured for legal fees. So any settlement less than 10 million means that they pay nothing and avoid legal fees and a years long legal process.
Folau walks away with money but RA get what they want too. No Folau and they didn't have to pay his contract out.
If he is rightfully terminated, as RA claimed, they would need no insurance clause to kick in.
Insurance companies dont hand in checks they can avoid to pay.
And the main problem i have with this argument is that it ignores the other side of the equation: how on earth was Folau, who was struggling to pay current legal fees, going to aford such a lenghty and expensive trial with, as RA claims, high chances of losing?
thats not true in NZ/AUs or the UK, i've checked all my contracts from working in those countries and all had clauses about disrepute, all said something to the effect of "if your public actions reflect negatively upon the company or or are in contrast to the company values (these are defined) then disciplinary actions may be undertaken"
Excuse me, it IS true. That is precisely the point. Points actually. You understand that under
YOUR contract you couldn't do what he did. He (and his lawyers agree with him) thinks he could.
First, Folau is claiming, precisely, that under his contract he was entitled to post what he did.
Second, and this is important, Folau's main post on instagram was paraphrasing scripture. This is not some random thought that crossed his mind.
If u fire someone (w/o comp, course) for paraphrasing the book that states the beliefs of his religion, on his personal instagram account (this could be debated, i know, just give me the benefit of the doubt for a sec), a lot of factors kick in (jurisdiction, freedom of speech laws there, hate speech laws, freedom of worship laws, etc.).
You would need to deem scripture as some sort of hate speech in order for that to happen. Or to establish that he cannot talk about his religion, which would open another can of worms.
By you i mean judge/jury, as in a sentence/presedent.