Not murdered, be put to death. There is a difference.
And this is just another example of how times have changed, as many Christian countries no longer have the Death Sentence as a form of criminal punishment and that it's against the most basic of human rights, which is to live.
What bothers me is that Folau doesn't seems to distinguish between human rights and the religious texts and their interpretations. What I mean by this is that at our church, we have 3 other books/scripts/literature we use to educate and follow. And these scripts also tells us about discipline, and disciplinary action, by either the church or the council. And these scripts are a form of making the bible more current, without editing the bible.
Now after the latest article and Folau hearing voices, it seems to me that he's taking everything way too literal from the Bible. But he himself, is also not following the scripture, as the Bible clearly states that you must "love thy neighbour". In Afrikaans we say "Jy moet jou naaste lief hê soos jouself". Which translates to: You must love the person the closest to you like you love yourself. Now this doesn't necessarily mean love the person who is the most dearest to you like your spouse/parents/children, it can also mean the one in closest proximity to you at any given point or time, or whoever is in your thoughts at a specified time.
This in essence mean that you must not have hatred towards anyone at any point in time. And here is where Folau is missing the point completely.