I use FshED all the time, in fact i don't use anything else. I didn't know you could delete/add subfiles though.. or should i say i haven't tried really.
Well, well, well. My theory was correct. I added the tournaments_menu.rfe from Rugby 06, and it works! I have the lions tour as well as the ten nations, essentially all the tournaments from Rugby 06. :bravo::lol:
There's just a really big blank out in the ten nations tournament menu being completely white, but the lions tour is fine.[/b]
In the 06 data.gob i just noticed there is two files with that filename. One is a .bak and the other is the .big you mentioned. What do i do with the .bak?
In the 08 data.gob there is just the one file, the .big file. I take it the .bak file is not needed?
Also, if you get a few moments can you post a tutorial on adding subfiles to .fsh files.. 06 doesn't have the menu logos for each competition, and there are two missing (i assume) in the 216da.fsh file.[/b]
The Cats don't exist in 08.. but some of the graphics do.. all of my modded teams (for Currie Cup mod) appeared correct as teams i renamed.
I have just tested this now the tournament menu is changed, the text has gone into small text and there's no logos. But if you go for Lions Tour, it's all there. Everything, apart from some missing logos.. which can be added.
I tried 10 Nations.. there is some issue with missing graphics, this is why the menu's appear 'white'.. because it is in the 06 menu format, so i'm not sure we can fix it. You get 'white' graphics when they are not assigned properly because they are configured in the actual file for an actual team/mode.. i know this as i have found it for a RWC logo and minikits. The files are not assigend to the same filenames as 06, and you might have to add the 10 nations 06 graphics files to get it to work. In theory if this works, then you could use some of the 06 menus in 08.
This is still a great find Robbie. I will test it on my MUP patches. But it seems to work for me. I will test it in a few minutes and get back to you.[/b]
Ok, i have some ideas after looking at the situation now we have some rfe info.
Here's my thoughts.
Cats in Lions Tour 'bug': The Cats were in 06 if i recall.. and we are using 06 files, so they would have been assigned in the South Africa Lions Tour xml, so all we have to do is update the South Africa Lions Tour xml so they play a team that is not the Cats in that final warm-up game. Then it will be fixed.
the xml you need is d3e7e30781e1fb00f0738a7e86654ec3.xml, and you can also add an extra team apart from the Cats, as there has been a space left for one.. so we can add Cheetahs here, and it appears that's what it is the ID 84 is the same. Lions team ID is 27, just assign the value to 27, so that it won't load the Cats. Voila. As was pointed out, the Cats is the old name for the Cheetahs and Lions franchise so we just have to add a different team, unless we are clever enough to activate a crashfree Cats.
Lions Tour Mode: Everything works fine, which is fantastic. I have tested it and all it's missing is the menu style of 08 (i.e text style and menu layout) and the grey logos in the background.. but it absolutely fine. 06 never had them so that is why they appear 'white', they don't have anything to load. I think that the menu style could be replicated by using other rfe files from 08.. but i'll explain that below.
10 Nations Mode: Well, the good news is that it works, but the bad news is that it looks messed up. The menu layout is from 06 and 08 is much different, so we have missing textures all over the shop as it is completely in 06 style. If we can figure out what file it is.. there must be a 10 nations .rfe file in 08.. but currently it is the 06 file clearly as it loads, and it is loading the old 06 file which the must have left in.
Once we find that file, we can remake it into 08 style and it'll be the same as the other mode menus. I hope.
The Tournament Menu: The Tournament menu is now missing logos and the text is tiny. I think the text can be hex-edited to a bigger size. I don't think we need the 216da.fsh anyway. What is best is that we try and find out what part of the 06 rfe file activates the modes in 08. Once we find it, we can use import it into the 08 rfe and it'll look the same as 08 does now hopefully.
The game doesn't need too much editing, as the layout is ok.. but it's needed to tidy-up certain menus. Hope this was helpful. I am working on the files now.. obviously the 6 Nations patch is useless now so i will try and convert the rfe data to 08 style.
If anyone wants me to upload the files i have now, i can do so but they will not be in 08 style. It's mainly just the 10 nations that is needing work.[/b]
Well, the 06 and 08 tournament_menu.rfe files are identical. I tried to change the font size, but there's no change on the tournament menu screen. So i am not sure how it works.
But anyway, here is the files you need to get you up and running. I have fixed the Cats fixture crash. It will make 10 Nations and Lions Tours available, and they will run by the default files, apart from the Cats fix, which is now against the S14 Lions.