Amy just convinced me to buy this, so we've bought it. I've played 3 games and I think Radman is spot on with a lot of things.
Firstly, this is no Rugby League 2. This is a game that I'm sure I'll play for some time. There are problems yes, but nothing that I can't understand why it happened, except maybe the punting.
I disagree with Radman that it should be increased by 10m, that would make just a shade too much difference, I'd add 6-7m. That's all it'd take to make it feel like kicking was a genuine part of the game. Bombs are good though.
My first game was as Cronulla vs Brisbane and I won 26-0 (Easy), then I played another one Cronulla vs Canberra, that was 17-0 (Easy). I'm still getting to grips with all the controls before moving to medium, but the AI is actually very well designed (well from what I can tell so far).
As far as being a bit crap with draw and pass etc, well yeah it is, but less so on Side-cam. It's still a far from perfect game, but for a first step, this is a big step forward from Rugby League 2.
Amy just convinced me to buy this, so we've bought it. I've played 3 games and I think Radman is spot on with a lot of things.
Firstly, this is no Rugby League 2. This is a game that I'm sure I'll play for some time. There are problems yes, but nothing that I can't understand why it happened, except maybe the punting.
I disagree with Radman that it should be increased by 10m, that would make just a shade too much difference, I'd add 6-7m. That's all it'd take to make it feel like kicking was a genuine part of the game. Bombs are good though.
My first game was as Cronulla vs Brisbane and I won 26-0 (Easy), then I played another one Cronulla vs Canberra, that was 17-0 (Easy). I'm still getting to grips with all the controls before moving to medium, but the AI is actually very well designed (well from what I can tell so far).
As far as being a bit crap with draw and pass etc, well yeah it is, but less so on Side-cam. It's still a far from perfect game, but for a first step, this is a big step forward from Rugby League 2.
How does the game compare with Rugby League 3 CA? Also, what about the ball physics? They looked a little funny to me... almost as though the ball was deflated.
Oh well, I guess that's the problem with low funding :S . Personally I think the NRL should be directly involved in developing this game. They should partner with HES and invest a few million to bring the next ***le up to standard. If you think about it it'd actually be a really good way to grow the market in new areas like WA and SA. I've lost count of the amount of friends who have started following NFL teams as a result of playing Madden, and the same could happen for RL if they make a serious attempt at making a good game.
Haven't played RL3 to compare sadly, although by all accounts it's very marginally better. The ball physics are very tired and the ball seems about 90% inflated, which we all know makes a bit of a sorry difference to a rugby ball. I wouldn't call that a game breaker though. It's more the fact that it needs to travel slightly further, most of your defence is done by the AI & slow play-the-balls which is infuriating.
Still if you love your league, it's an okay first step in the right direction. Where it's at and where it needs to be is like the difference between Fifa '07 and Fifa 10. You'd still buy Fifa '07 if it was the only game out there and you were soccer mad right? Same thing here.
By way of contrast and not being a leaguey, I'd compare this way.
Rugby League 2 (By the standards of release time):
Gameplay 2/10
Graphics: 7/10
Audio: 7/10
Features: 8/10
Rugby League Live:
Gameplay 6.5/10
Graphics: 6/10
Audio: 6/10
Features: 5/10
By no means terrible, but a fair road to go to being awesome.
Personally I think the NRL should be directly involved in developing this game. They should partner with HES and invest a few million to bring the next ***le up to standard. If you think about it it'd actually be a really good way to grow the market in new areas like WA and SA. I've lost count of the amount of friends who have started following NFL teams as a result of playing Madden, and the same could happen for RL if they make a serious attempt at making a good game.
Anyone know where us UK folk could import this.
All I can really say is Bigant have done a good job of the Gameplay and online play.
Also Side cam is awesome, helps alot and the game seems to flow alot better being able to see what is going on alot clearer, I think the front on cams are a little bit too close as you can't see your options to each side so I thought maybe add the ability to move the camera sideways as you press and hold the L1 or R1 buttons, this way you will be able to see your options left and right. also maybe have the option to shift the camera to suit???.
It does need a few tweaks, punt needs fixing, play the balls need speeding up, maybe need to add auto nearest player select on D and a few other little ****les but they are onto something with this game and hopefully the little ****les can be patched and turn this game into something way better than it is allready which is in my opinion THE best Rugby League game to play ever....and not everyone will agree and I don't care, I love it...IT IS THE GREATEST GAME OF ALLLLLL!!!!! LOL!.![]()
Let's not forget my suggestions for the tackle area and players moving back into the defensive line RM.
Still though, really looking forward to checking this out. Hope they manage to start releasing one a year. I heard that BigAnt have signed a 5 year deal with HES, so that's a good sign.
Im abit disapointed about the game modes, they slacked off on create a player and stuff, and the game modes don't seem as good.
But the game play does seem better
I've finally got the dam thing, cant wait to finish work now