Barcella, August, Gomez Kodela, Lund E., Taele, Lund M., Lauret, Lakafia, Lesgourgues, Barraque, Brew, Traille (c.), Burotu, Ngwenya, Balshaw
Replacements - Heguy, Synaeghel, Van Staden, Dubarry, Guyot, Peyrelongue, Bosch, Baby
The one good thing is that Barraque is back at 10, albeit that their choices are limited, and let us hope he will get a decent run there now......Cannot say I like the centre choices and note that Baby has been selected ahead of Gimenez on the bench - WTF?
Barcella is given another chance to show he has something and August choice will limit mobility. Scrum will be too good for Zebre but, depending on their team, not sure how we are going to get the bonus point other than through the wings from broken play (on very wet ground!) as the centres do not want to pass unless they are forced to!
After five defeats on the trot will be happy with a win again before we go to ASM next week for their home record - we were the last to beat them so could be full circle!!