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Gun incidents

93 now dead.

4 arrested. Suspect by the time the Russians have finished with them they may be wishing they'd sacrificed their own lives.

I just can't understand things like this, I really can't.
Yes, sadly i don't think it'll be the last. Neither party seem to want to change the guns laws the US badly needs.
I think the Democrats would but need workable majorities in both houses, as well as dealing with 2nd amendment issues.
Yes, sadly i don't think it'll be the last.
Neither the first (1989 Cleveland), nor the last (currently Nashville 2023), nor the highest death toll (ETA, actually, sorry, highest death toll, but not highest victim count - Uvalde 2022; I was also thinking Virginia Tech 2007, but that's adult education, not school). Arguably, not the most famous either (Columbine 1999)

USA has decided that dead kids, and a genuine necessity for active shooter drills, and kevlar backpacks (whilst the cops sit outside waiting for it to all blow over) is a price worth paying for the right to own guns.
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Acceptable collateral damage in the name of freedom to own guns.

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