Originally posted by esoj+Feb 13 2006, 12:28 PM-->Originally posted by thomashenry@Feb 13 2006, 12:19 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-esojindeed it is opinion but you aren't saying anything beyond that. you are just saying this game sucks with no back-up of matches etc. people that have liked it have given great detail about the game and why they think it is good.you can return it to the shop fair enough.@Feb 12 2006, 06:27 PM
thomashenry a bit of advice mate, don't go off saying a game sucks without proof you will get ripped apart and look like a fool on this forum. which would not be good as people have memories on this forum and they quickly know the good from the bad
without proof?? What are you on about? What constitutes proof? I've played all the games in question, and I think R06 is crap, and think RC2006 is reasonably good (not great, but good).
How should I prove this? Is it not all just subjective opinion at the end of the day?
It seems that lots of people here like R06 though, so if they enjoy it, then good for them. I think it is really bad though, and my copy is going back to the shop it came from.
aye kafta I learnt my lesson. I was at least man enough to admit I was wrong though and even editied some of my posts.
I work for sidhe anyway so all games suck compared to rl 2[/b]
fair play esoj !