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Giving In To The Fact Im Gutted !

Originally posted by harrison2468@Dec 8 2005, 09:22 AM
Well, thanks for saying all this guys. I have just cancelled my order.
Im not sure I would have gone that far as this is only other peoples opinions and its your own that counts above all else.
Originally posted by knowsleyroader+Dec 7 2005, 09:31 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (knowsleyroader @ Dec 7 2005, 09:31 PM)</div>
@Dec 8 2005, 09:22 AM
Well, thanks for saying all this guys.  I have just cancelled my order.
Im not sure I would have gone that far as this is only other peoples opinions and its your own that counts above all else. [/b]
Yeah, but it is £30 and my X-Mas present.

I learnt from Rugby 05 that it is wise to rent before buying, and I will do that at most. If it is less responsive than that game, then it ain't good. I'm not spending £30 on a game which most think is not better than the original.
I think that eventually everyone will come to the opinion that this game is not so good, because once you reach he hgher difficulty levels the game ceases to function properly, attack and defece becomes tedious and hard,(for both u abd he ai)and before long youll notice that your not actually having fun.
I don't know I am still a bit undecided after playing a few games. the controls are defintely a problem for me my sprint button is in a really werid place for defenese which makes chasing breakaways tricky. passing seems to be a bit werid you either hold it down and it goes miles or tap it and it does a really short pass there really is no inbetween at all. and what is with only being able to change one team on single mode. this game defintely seems more geared towards either multiplayer or franchise mode and defintely not for the casual gamer
at first i couldn't get to grips with the controls and was losing badly, the responsiveness is as others have said, just plain bad.

after a couple of days on reserve grade i'm killing the opposition on attack but my defense is terrible, its just so badly done, rarely can i rush up and put pressure on their offense with a big hit, i just go screaming past, no i'm not unco.

i love the passing mechanics with the skips but the passing to me is still too floaty.

it is still very playable, but i wish i had just rented b4 i bought it, that free warriors controller sealed the deal.

now i'm looking forward to rc2006 and even moreso ea rugby 06
Well now I don't know what to think. I trust your opinions here and I am starting to wish I hadn't bought it (it's coming in the mail today). I just can't believe it would be WORSE the rl1.

But on the other hand Gol has put on his website that this is the best sports game he has ever played, and the rugby league game we have been dreaming of.

Somebody's lying...
i agree with knowsleyroader

i cant believe how people say its more smoother than RL1

WTF BS!!!!!!
everyone who says its the best game ever is just playing on schoolboy or reserve, i thoght this was awsome till I upped the difficulty.

I just unlocked and played my first game on league god mode, heres the stats from the game. I was wests.

West Tigers vs Manley Eagles
6 30

60 59

Missed Tackles
61 11

Handling errors
2 2

50 50

6 0

Scott prince got sent off, anf there was no ref or voice in the cut sceen, just prince having a tantrum. League god is tough, the ai just plays hot potato from one end to the other, you just cant lay a hand on them, they easily go the whole field with 5 tackles. to make matters worse they can offload out of any tackles at any stage, so even when you think youve got em, the ball comes flying out and theyre of. On the other side of the ballI was averaging about 15 metres a set, the only reason i scored was because they knocked on on their own line. The good thing is, is that the ai now makes big breaks against oyu, but no matter how much you try you just cant tackle them.

Esoj, you can change both teams in single game, just push up on the Keyboard/controller and it will switch sides, this is daft and had me stumped for a while.

To anyone using a keyboard,change to a controller, it will take ages of trial and error to figure them out, but its way easier once youve done it, the keyboard configuration is just plain awful, and will cause you to push the wrong buttons and make mistakes over and over again.
After reading Knowsleys post, he has made a lot of valid points. The PC version we played at Alternative didn't feel as unresponsive as the retail PS2 version.

I mentioned in my preview about the defence being hard to control, but I've pretty much got to grips with it now. I'll be totally honest here, I stopped playing RL1 after a while because I thought it was boring and there were just too many bugs spoiling the game. With RL2, I was on it last night for 4 hours solid, and each game I played felt better and better. By the time I'd played my 4th game in franchise mode (Lost 2 won 2) I swtiched it off and went to bed happy.

This afternoon, my dad and brother came around to my house for a game. I'd been telling them all about it and they were eager to have a go on it. We all still play Jonah Lomu every now and then, cos the pair of them can't stand ANY other rugby game. Anyway, in they came and the PS2 was booted up and we were off. Below is a list of comments made during the ONE game each they played.

"God.. these menu's are slow,"
"Is the pad plugged in? I'm pushing down and nothings happening!"
"This is way too complicated!" "Why've they got icons on their heads?"

(After a bit of explaining to them about the advanced passing)

"It's still crap! As if you can look and pick the right man as you're running with the ball"
"There's too many buttons"
"0-0 after 60 minutes.., does anyone ever score?"
"Have you ever scored a try on it? Cos I can't make a break!"
"How do you tackle? I'm pushing circle but they just run past"
"Are the runners on elastic bands?"
"It's the same as the first one... but worse!"

And on, and on and on...

No matter how much I told them that they'd need to "Get into it" before enjoying it, they wouldn't listen. They said you should just be able to get into games straight away and not need a degree at university to play it!!!!

At this point, my dad put the pad down at half time and asked me to put Pro Evo 5 on. I did, and they sat there for 3 hours enjoying that. They both HATED RL2 with a passion, and kept going on about Pro Evo being the best sports game ever (I totally agree with that too) but I was gutted. Here's me, trying to convince them the games good, when all they did was end up making me have doubts.

When they'd gone, I carried on with my franchise, but didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much because I found myself seeing all the things they were moaning about, and it was putting me off.

So that's it, my online games have gone out the window. I was going to play against Knowsleyroader, My dad or my brother and none of them want to play it again. I'll just have to search and look for you fellas online, see if we can have a good match.

For what it's worth, I'll still be playing it and putting comments like the ones listed above out of my mind, but Knowsley was right when he said convincing yourself something is good when it ain't, isn't going to work!

I suppose the advice here is to play the game and judge for yourselves. If you love it, you love it, if you hate it, you hate it. Opinions, everybody has them.

On a side note, I think Sidhe have shot themselves in the foot with the game not working on chipped machines. Yes, there are some chips that can be turned off, but those who have machines where the chips stay on, can't play it. So what will they do? They'll download a cracked copy of the game and play that instead cos it's the only way they'll get to play it.

Very confused now!
ah cheers mate seems stupid though that you have to do it that way to change both teams.
What difficulty are you on locksley? and if your on legend like me how the hell do you defend ??

I dont think this is a copmletely dire game, its just completely different from all the things that made RL1 good, its just so frustrating that they had the formula for what most sports games lack, a challenge, no matter how long you played, RL1 was always a challenge. This formula should hav stayed, but its gone, and with it goes the possoblity of a great rugby league game. Once I get over it and stop comparing it to RL1 im sure it will be fun sometimes.
Originally posted by CeeJay@Dec 8 2005, 11:44 AM
What difficulty are you on locksley? and if your on legend like me how the hell do you defend ??

I dont think this is a copmletely dire game, its just completely different from all the things that made RL1 good, its just so frustrating that they had the formula for what most sports games lack, a challenge, no matter how long you played, RL1 was always a challenge. This formula should hav stayed, but its gone, and with it goes the possoblity of a great rugby league game. Once I get over it and stop comparing it to RL1 im sure it will be fun sometimes.
I was playing it on reserve, then moved up to seasoned in franchise. I think the most disappointing aspect is the fact that tries are very rarely scored by either side unless you alter the slider bars.
Once you get to legend, it dosent matter what you do with the sliders. Sucks how you cant change the difficulty of a franchise once youve started, id recommend waiting til legend before starting one, otherwise youll hav to keep starting again, ive had to twice.
I think some people are being a little harsh with it.

I've played it with PS2. It has a few bugs, but nothing major.

Can't be bothered giving my review of it, although if you ask me, the PS2 controls make it easily the best version. Screw the fact that it looks a little bit prettier on PC, if it doesn't play well then it's just stupid.
I reckon its better than RL1

finally i have control over penalties and forward passes

In my 2nd game, i kicked off and it went out............just like RL1........I was rampant.......furious..........thank god i havent seen it since, but very ironic i got it in my 2nd game.

I know i will get better at this game....on ps2, the controls are fine, but yeah the look isnt ideal.

The graphics look ok, not special coz the shadowing is NOT EXISITENT.

the player likeness is awesome.
Originally posted by Morgs@Dec 8 2005, 10:21 AM
Well now I don't know what to think. I trust your opinions here and I am starting to wish I hadn't bought it (it's coming in the mail today). I just can't believe it would be WORSE the rl1.

But on the other hand Gol has put on his website that this is the best sports game he has ever played, and the rugby league game we have been dreaming of.

Somebody's lying...
funny that

Gol is also all over the credits, for special thanks

Conflict of interest............YES SIR

BLIC's ****** all over this FFS

Best sports game.........geez Gol, once again Sidhe, have not adressed suggestions from those in the know...and have just fullfilled petty uneducated requests like online..........heck even the other camera angles for the 2nd time in a row and all unplayable....even the new "UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL" camera angle is just pathetic..............mightaswell have player cam (like ESPN's helmet cam, if your going to create viewing angles, that serve no purpose
Originally posted by sanzar+Dec 8 2005, 10:13 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (sanzar @ Dec 8 2005, 10:13 AM)</div>
Originally posted by knowsleyroader@Dec 8 2005, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by sanzar@Dec 8 2005, 09:00 AM
@Dec 8 2005, 07:05 AM

R2006 : If its better by the same mark as 2005 was over 2004 it will be awesome.

Have you seen the features list??? It's a f***en update patch!

arnt all sequels updates ? In one post you say we should all wait to play RL2 and give it a chance and then your slagging R2006 before anyone has even got near it ????
Meh, I hate EA and were ****** off about so many things in Rugby 2005... Rugby 2006 just seems to be the "complete" version of Rugby 2005... They failed to implement several gameplay features that should have prevented the game from being sold without them, like offloads. Mind you, if they f*** up the lions tour again I'll be boycotting this game anyway. [/b]
You boycott any company that makes a profit.

Havent played it myself personally, saving my pennies for Rugby 06 (dont deny it Sanzar, you will buy it like the rest of us Lemmings, ***** and moan about it, then go and buy 07 on the release day next year)

Just wondering what system people would recommend renting it out on?
well since u can only get it on pc and ps2 i suggest renting it on ps2, aparently its more responsive, but if you are going to get it and ya pc can run it get it on pc, lots to mod with it
Originally posted by Ripper+Dec 8 2005, 12:41 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Ripper @ Dec 8 2005, 12:41 PM)</div>
Originally posted by sanzar@Dec 8 2005, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by knowsleyroader@Dec 8 2005, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by sanzar@Dec 8 2005, 09:00 AM
@Dec 8 2005, 07:05 AM

R2006 : If its better by the same mark as 2005 was over 2004 it will be awesome.

Have you seen the features list??? It's a f***en update patch!

arnt all sequels updates ? In one post you say we should all wait to play RL2 and give it a chance and then your slagging R2006 before anyone has even got near it ????

Meh, I hate EA and were ****** off about so many things in Rugby 2005... Rugby 2006 just seems to be the "complete" version of Rugby 2005... They failed to implement several gameplay features that should have prevented the game from being sold without them, like offloads. Mind you, if they f*** up the lions tour again I'll be boycotting this game anyway.
You boycott any company that makes a profit.

Havent played it myself personally, saving my pennies for Rugby 06 (dont deny it Sanzar, you will buy it like the rest of us Lemmings, ***** and moan about it, then go and buy 07 on the release day next year)
Yeah probably... but if they do f*** up the Lions tour I'll send a special flaming paper bag to HB to display my feelings.

Anyway, I've got RL2 and I have to say so far I'm loving it! The passing options etc are great and it generally feels far deeper... that said, I understand why people think the player control is a bit off, but I'm getting used to it... though I don't get why sidhe couldn't add a button configuration option in this game??? Would that be too hard??

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