Sorry, couldnt find the toys out of the pram one. Probably would have been more accurate.Posting images that has no relevant to the argument is exactly what I am on about.
Cant believe your even trying to justify it. Funny stuff.The whole Irish thing was brought in because ........
Sorry, should I say it in a more sympathetic way? Maybe I should have agreed with the Lomu comparison, add in another few positives about how hes a big lad, awesome brain, the world is at his feet, and most importantly opposition players and coaches havent a hope of analysing how he plays because hes awesomely welsh. You would prefer if I didnt bring the real world into this particular fanboy session?Somewhere in there, there's a half decent point about people not getting carried away, but you've said it in such a stupid bloody way, that Cymro and others are completely justified in calling you a bit of an idiot.
Stop being such a bunch of girls. If you think there is something inaccurate in what I say, point it out, otherwise shut up and enjoy the real world of intelligent two-sided conversation, where people dont necessarily share your ideal view of the world.
Edit: Its kinda funny how the level of conversation has gone so low on this forum that every arguement is an excuse to quote "precious" or scream "troll" and "WUM". All playera are rated by their ability to carry the ball or score tries and no one seems too interested in discussing rugby at a decent level anymore. When challenged they attack the poster, not the content.
I remember this forum 4 years ago for the last world cup. Jammed with intelligent and passionate debate about rugby at all levels. Now? Spammed full of gamers who havent the slightest clue about the game itself, and one particular poster that seesm to think volume, not quality is important. Add to that a moderator that now seems to think I post based on my dislike of Welsh players
Seriously lads, you should be encouraging conversation, not diluting it down to suit the lowest common denominator. If you dont agree, argue the content, not the motive.
Either way, I think I'll leave you to it. Best of luck for the rest of the world cup.
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