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Flannery you dirty ****

Taking it a bit seriously? Flan did pull off one of the most extravagant kicks of all time when he got Palisson - but that doesn't make him a master criminal. He's more Marie Cloche. Relax.

BO did a great job, focus on Toulouse.
Lads, Noone defended Flannery against France and yes that was dirty but well the incident on Sunday ye really must be digging in desperation.

I was in stadium Sunday and well it funny how ye even argue it was deliberate. Lets take into account
- Weather made pitch very slippery
- It was an incident where if he pulled leg out it'd be some achievement
- And he acknowledged it wasn't deliberate immediately as did the touch judge and ref who both seen it
It was a penalty but a yellow would have been harsh and as for a red or citing :D come on act as if ye know something about it.

As for comparing it with gouging Mr, I hope you never coach a kids team if that attitude it accepted as Gouging not only can harm a man's career but his life also.
As I said this thread really at balls of desperation and boredom.
Many irreguliar actions can lead to a life threatening in extreme conditions, talking just about the cervical vertebras: upside down tackle, scrum voluntery collapsing,...
Whatever I'll stop debating with you Mistermuffin, as you can't help to make me say what I never did, as latest example that eye gouging should be accepted.

What's this expression Shtove: Marie Cloche. Is this like the French one "Clochemerle" which relates of unusefull fight spirit that ordianary touches small communities ?
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