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Fastest Player

Who is Fastest??

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Chavanga by far!! 10.08 Seconds in a 100 meter sprint is world class boys, world class.
10.08 thats quick but he doesn't do that on the rugby field I think when most people talk about fastest player they most likely are talkin about when they're playing rugby not track times.

I would vote caucaunibuca cause hes easily the fastest I've seen live but my vote has to be for Bryan Habana even though I haven't seen him in real life but he looks quick as on the field and plus I heard caucau's gone fat so he probably aint as quick as he used to be.
I'd love to see Pierre Spies play more on the wing, but he is devastating. Still gutted that he's probably out of the World Cup
Havent seen Caucau for quite some time but he was lethal when he used to play for the blues.

Chavanga's quick but hes going nothing on habana as a player.
The thing with Caucau is you hardly really see him at full pace because his gallop is like most wingers full speed and he always seems to be looking around to step the opposition but than he can just go up a gear when he feels like it.

There's a story on him saying that he might be looking for a return to Super14 that'll be awesome if he did cause Nz rugby's gonna change alot next year with so many players leaving for overseas so it'll be good if he did to bring a bit of excitement back into the game down these ways.

its a bit more relevant to know how quick they are over 30 meters, its the acceleration that matters, its rare for anyone to be given 100 meters of space on a rugby field. even if hes fat now, it has to be caucau, his acceleration was sublime, 2003 world cup against france, simply world class
Ugo Monye recorded an official 10.4 at a junior international championships. I'll believe that Chavhanga one only if it's official.

As for fastest depends on how you clasiify it; 10m, 20m, 100m, whilst changing direction etc. Caucau's good but I think Habana just tops him. In recent times I've never seen him be caught. I'd love to see them race against one another but without that any choice is just an educated guess.
Caucau is super quick but I went to a game Wellington Lions vs Northland Taniwha's and he got a runaway but than Christian Cullen cut him down. But in the same game Caucau caught Cullen too so flip i don't know its hard to say aye.

I reckon Habana is very quick but I have a video on youtube that shows him nearly being caught by Sosene Anesi on an intercept try had it been any further I think Anesi might have caught him.
Caucau is super quick but I went to a game Wellington Lions vs Northland Taniwha's and he got a runaway but than Christian Cullen cut him down. But in the same game Caucau caught Cullen too so flip i don't know its hard to say aye.

I reckon Habana is very quick but I have a video on youtube that shows him nearly being caught by Sosene Anesi on an intercept try had it been any further I think Anesi might have caught him. [/b]

Anesi is very quick - Gordon Tietjens (New Zealand sevens coach) was quoted as saying that Anesi had the fastest time in speed tests for the sevens team ever - This isn't bad when you look at the players who have played sevens for New Zealand over the years (Rococoko, Cullen, Randle etc)
wheres Lome Faatau in this? surely hes up there? he burnt rokocoko a couple of occasions
Chavanga by far!! 10.08 Seconds in a 100 meter sprint is world class boys, world class. [/b]

Doesn't matter how fast Chavanga is, more often than not he's injured and he doesn't do much on the field.
Fastest than I have seen is Rupeni Caucaunibuca, really is an airplane the guy although he is not very skillful, but it replaces with a power and amazing speed.

In Argentina fastest of all it is Corleto.

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