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Euro recession?

There is a choice of currencies. But I see silver and commodities have taken a battering this week.

Sterling is going to suffer every bit as much as the euro. Thing is, the Germans can bail on the euro if necessary - UK can't bail on sterling because London is the biggest bankster centre in the world.

This is a 20 year game playing out, and we're in year 4 at the moment. Best thing would be to scrap the banks now and replace them, but we're going to keep travelling this road like the Japanese have done since the late '80s. In the end we'll conclude that young people's taxes can't support old people's pensions, and everyone will be poor - except the bankers who stole all the real money.

Think about where your taxes go before you vote. Hang on - no point: the AV referendum in the UK had a 40% turnout. Sheep don't just get sheared - they get butchered!
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Hemmin, Ireland has always been ****** ;)

I fail to see how Greece leaving would be bad for the Euro, wouldn't it be like a subsidary company being shut down after posting years of losses, in which case we are no longer losing money?
Think about where your taxes go before you vote. Hang on - no point: the AV referendum in the UK had a 40% turnout. Sheep don't just get sheared - they get butchered!

Not particularily surprised. No-one bloody cared, it was a bone thrown to the Lib-Dems by the Tauries and everyone could see that. It was a shoddy proposal anyway, giving more power to the people who vote for minority (and often racist) parties, as they would effectively be voting more than once. Bit hypocritical of me maybe, being a Plaid supporter, but hey ho. I voted, but I always do...
40% is actually quite a high turnout. I suspect it would have been lower had the local borough councils not been re-elected at the same time though.
40% is actually quite a high turnout. I suspect it would have been lower had the local borough councils not been re-elected at the same time though.
On a once in a lifetime chance to break up the big parties? 40% is a joke.

A colleague of mine got in on the Tory ticket in Bristol - he reckoned AV would have done for the party, and we would have had a true conservative party to vote for in future. Labour are up the creek because of Scotland, but now they can relax and wait for huge disaffection in the north on spending cuts to give them a good chance.

As it is, we're stuck with big state socialism on both sides. The UK isn't going to survive their debt fantasy.
There are some worries here in North America as well, the United States has serious debt issues, the cuts they have made are just superficial at best. Any problems that occur there also affect my economy, when the elephant sneezes all of the America's catches a cold.

In Canada's federal parliament the Conservatives were just reelected to a majority of seats in parliament, and they have plans to reduce spending, but the huge burdens of health care and an aging population have been largely left to the sidelines. The official opposition is now from the left wing NDP(although they have become less socialist in recent years) whilst the centrist Liberal party was utterly destroyed although this is more than just a reflection of their policies but of the parties scandals and history. My own home province Ontario has had threats of a lower credit rating being issued, there is a provincial election due in October so I'm assuming the creditors will wait till then to make any moves.

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