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Euan Murray questions Sunday matches

I've been thinking a lot about this while working this morning, and I think this is similar to what they call in Quebec these days as "Reasonable Accomadation" of religious and minority rights. I think it's probably reasonable for Euan to decide he dosen't want to play on Sundays, but what if more and more players decided they didn't want to play on a Sunday(or any other day of the week for that matter). Two or three players it still wouldn't be a problem but what if entire teams or vast majorities of teams refused to play?

Murray is lucky that his profession is that of rugby player and that the SRU, his team and a good portion of the rugby family support his decision. I like the idea of Sunday as a day of rest, relaxation even though I'm not religious, but I had to work three or four Sunday's in a row recently because I was harvesting on my farm and most of the world(My distributor included) really dosen't give a crap what my own personal schedule is like, so I reluctantly suck it up and get the job done. I would have no problem with Euan avoiding playing on Sundays as much as reasonably possible, but when your teamates, countrymen, and those who helped you get to where you are as a player are relying on you to get out on the field in a crucial RWC match please do so.

If Euan's issue with playing on a Sunday is that he gets paid to do so, then I would suggest donating the salary of that days contest to one of the excellent religious leaning charities in the world e.g. The Salvation Army and others.

Again I apolgize for my first post several pages back which was unnessaicarily confrontational, I feel that my post here is a much more nuanced and balanced view of the subject.
but what if more and more players decided they didn't want to play on a Sunday(or any other day of the week for that matter). Two or three players it still wouldn't be a problem but what if entire teams or vast majorities of teams refused to play?

In a local or national comp, something could/should probably be done. In an IRB comp, I don't think so. Every country has it's own attitude to religion, and there would be many conflicts if they started taking this stuff into consideration IMO.
In a local or national comp, something could/should probably be done. In an IRB comp, I don't think so. Every country has it's own attitude to religion, and there would be many conflicts if they started taking this stuff into consideration IMO.

I think this is well said, if the vast majority of the players partcipating would be affected than yes changes should be made. For some countries playing on a Sunday is no issue(Lots of very devout NFL players in the US play on Sunday), but as Lordhope brought up eariler in most of South Africa it is avoided as much as possible. In a local/national comp this should be taken into account.
FFS Murray is not calling/ lobbying the IRB to change schedules to not include Sunday matches, he was asked a question and answered it with his own opinion.

Nothing wrong with following a religion/ lifestyle that promotes equality, healthy living, good morals and the rest, Murray is not forcing the coaching staff to select him, they select him knowing full well of his stance, if people are going to call anyone mad or an idiot, they should do it at Andy Robinson and the selectors.

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