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Ed Slater - MND Diagnosis

Absolutely awful news, was always a massive fan of his - always thought he should've gotten a bunch more caps

Not sure on the medical side of it, i.e. is there anything that can be done at all? Can it be slowed if caught early?
Hope it doesn't impact his quality of life too harshly too early :(
Absolutely horrible diagnosis to get. Really feel for him and his loved ones.
Sadly no cure, part of why the likes of Doddy Weir and Rob Burrows are campaigning so hard for it. This was taken off the NHS website.

here's no cure for motor neurone disease, but treatment can help reduce the impact the symptoms have on your life.

You'll be cared for by a team of specialists and a GP.

Treatments include:

  • highly specialised clinics, typically involving a specialist nurse and occupational therapy to help make everyday tasks easier
  • physiotherapy and exercises to maintain strength and reduce stiffness
  • advice from a speech and language therapist
  • advice from a dietitian about diet and eating
  • a medicine called riluzole that can slightly slow down the progression of the condition
  • medicines to relieve muscle stiffness and help with saliva problems
  • emotional support for you and your carer
Not sure on the medical side of it, i.e. is there anything that can be done at all? Can it be slowed if caught early?
It can, but I don't think it's by a massive amount. From what I've just read, 50% have three years, although some can live to ten years with it.

One of the pilots I worked with years ago was diagnosed with it after noticing a slight tremble in his hands.
That's just awful news. I'm sure the rugby community will rally round to ensure he and his family get as much support as possible.
here's no cure for motor neurone disease, but treatment can help reduce the impact the symptoms have on your life.
Yeah, knew there was no cure but wasn't sure if there was any treatment at all for it - at least that's....something
That explains why he hadn't been playing lately then, absolutely shocking news :(
Oh man. Terrible news. Really sorry to hear that.
On ShedWeb there is a a lot of shock and wishing him and his family well.

I can imagine the Tigers boards are saying similar.
On ShedWeb there is a a lot of shock and wishing him and his family well.

I can imagine the Tigers boards are saying similar.
I should imagine that's the case across all rugby message boards.
These things do not stay just within the player's club(s).

It's certainly the case on the Bath board - who'd you'd classify as a principal rival for both his clubs.
Such bad news....if you have doubts about what this disease can do to you, google Joost and see him at the end. Absolutely BAD....