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eb games Australia have broken the street date

hehe..got the game....rushed home..played for 2hrs straight...got to all semi's and lost...on hard...it is really hard for me....I really enjoyed the game...nice flow of gameplay,commentry. looking forward to the future on what Hb are bringin, possibly more comps,create a player and all but we all heard this from other threads. but overall I give tgis game 7/10, even though they only have international teams this game will be played for awhile, especially multiplayer and online. well done everybody for all patience, critism, positive inputs, 2years now since I heard the rumor now its finally here. Enjoy.

cheers Dave.
Anyone know if UK retailers have possession of the game yet? Would be good to know if I'm gonna get it on Friday morning via my Amazon preorder!

I've preordered through amazon before and I usually get the game on the day
I order from shopto and always get the game a day before so thursday for me hopefully
Have pre-ordered with Game with free delivery... and fully expect to not receive the game on release day despite their promises, it would seem that N. Ireland isn't enough of a part of the UK to have something expect to arrive as any other part of the UK.

They've done it before and will likely do it again. If it doesn't arrive on the Saturday then I'm screwed as the bank holiday will push it back to the Tuesday! Might just buy it in the shop on Friday then... :(
i have also gone and ordered from shopto and always get games atleast a day early.. :D possibly earlier :)
who are the aussie and kiwi players!!!

dam french knocked me out in semi on hard 10min halves

its great, loving it...but wanna get my fake player right for the next attempt
who are the aussie and kiwi players!!!

dam french knocked me out in semi on hard 10min halves

its great, loving it...but wanna get my fake player right for the next attempt

Me AK. Try being fiji on hard mode. Got demolished by SA, losed narrowly to Namibia Wholesales changes had to be made aahhaha
So what exactly is making the game difficult as you go from medium to hard, is it unwinnable rucks, impossible to tackle players or just masterful attacking and defending AI, i.e. no 'cheap' methods of creating artificial difficulty? Thanks.
apparently some eb games shops have done the same thing in auckland anyone know which ones?
anyone know if eb games released the game early in auckland?

i heard that some auckland eb games shops released it early. can anyone confirm? if so which shops?
Must be nice. Here in America, we have to wait until September 6th.
Sweet, I went for Amazon with first class delivery, so fingers crossed It will be sitting in my front hall after work Friday!Is no one else a little concerned that people are already getting to the semis on hard? By that speed they will have the world cup won in a day or two!
South african release?

just got email from my local store in south africa and they said I can pick the game up immediately as the release date changed.... oh well Im just stoked to be getting the game today!!!!!!!

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