Originally posted by ak47@Jul 21 2005, 10:55 AM
I rented this EA 2005 last night
I wont waste my time talking about it...enuff has been said
its ****, its worse than any other versions...........its near unplayable
absolutely no fun at all, takes 45mins to get a 10 over match compeleted, audio is shot
looks good but thats it
its like a hot sexy lesbian
looks good , but u cant play it
you said it bro....you can;t talk about how bad it is..I begun and wrote about 400 words but only covered about 10-20% of the bugs, faults and shortcomings
oh man, I seriously think it is so bad that we should all sue them...!! haha!! why not really? Something about how it bears no resemblance to cricket or something...consumer guarantees or bill of rights or something....I'll go in to bat and reperesent all the poor fools who actually bought this shiny turd.
Anyway, some blics reviews don't exactly smoke, but here's how I read the reviews (not with clouded optomism but cynicism as a careful consumer who has pre-ordered Blics).... =
One was 60% (PC) and said that "EA would probably be the game to get!!" lol!! I assume he means 2002!
...anyways....The review began with mention of cricket being immensely boring and stupid as a sport.....so that WAS THAT.....
next review:
xbox review of BLICs - 80%.....rated the game, although highlighted bugs, one or two, admitting that that was really it.
PS2 review that was 70 or 72 or something (sorry, all from memory lol!!) and it mentioned the two or three things I really needed to hear:
(ironically, one was a nitpick.con.......the difficulry)
- very hard to take a wicket against the AI.....reviewer at one point went two 20/20 games without taking ONE wicket....
....I look at this as a semi-positive if not a full-blown one frankly...as double hatricks with vettori get tried pretty quick when realism goes flying out the window and the challenge is non-existent ya know!?
- The game's lifespan was marked on the scale at the far end with a comment like "limitless" or similar term!! The dude was saying that its lifespan was almost incalculable...with the tours and tests and comps etc and 4 player multiplayer etc.....you choose effectively how long you play it for.
- Multi-player is apparently a lot of fun, very exciting and very different depending on your immeidate form and eye co-ordination etc......yay!!!
- The guy was like "I liked it a lot and I imagine if you are a cricket enthusiast then this is the only game to get this summer"......Phew!!
Reasonably good reviews from people who like games of sports that I love...is all I ask at this stage.