na can read my private message to st helens..i didnt say please i aint no beggar...but i will say thank you...i just affirmed more authority among you by having my name changed and by you telling everyone that "you" dont want me upset...that goes along the lines of not wanting me upset so i dont go about abusing the weakness of your authority or lack there of..and also stamps the point plain and clear that you fear any backfire from me...i am not upset and try as you will to point out a defence for an arguement to hold upon me or you can go the st.webfeet route and point out mistakes in my text grammer which i really dont give a f*** about...but in any case the point remains dont want any part of my abuse which is quite funny because you are an controlling this site you can easily remove me just as you guys did "los lover"...but in doing so you dont want to admit that you can handle any sarcasm i throw on board or any text i wrote in in defence you may do 1 of 4 things..the two i mentioned which you go the lame st webfeet route and put my grammer on blast(which i dont care about)...2. in which you reply with a defensive arguement..3.just cop it on the chin and laugh it something obscene and delete this post or change my name...
it is up to you...but the fact you did reply to a very sarcastic and plain comment i made earlier about my name change justifies how annoyed "you" and your team are with me..which telles me you guys are still arseholes when i adressed you before..asking st helens for you muggers to leave me alone..
sooooooo.....just let it go ghettomeland...let it go mate...
oh and gg bro!!! GO THE BLUES!!! WOOOHOOOO...may have to have a chiefs v blues warmup match for our encounter..keep practicing homo