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Channel Nine Commentators



folllowing on from W_Cullens statements

half of these dimwits need to **** off! The worst of them I reckon is Ian Healy. Never shuts up!

Tony Greig aint far behind, always shows his clear hate for Australia and throughout this series claiming hes South African, just remember you played for England Greig :rolleyes:

Richie Benauds classic. Only one who never overdoes it. When he says something, you listen.

Michael Slater I reckon is becoming a fine commentator. and I just dont think Shane Warne cuts out to be a commentator imo.
I think it's a little premature to judge Warne, but given the way he goaded Lawrie into bigging up Duminy's century was a little crass in my opinion. No doubt though he has a huge knowledge of the game and that comes across in his commentary, I think he's worth keeping.

Chappel is a tool as far as I'm concerned, I seem to find myself cringeing whenever he opens his mouth.

I've always been a huge fan of Nicholas, Slater and Benaud. Jury's still out on Healy and Taylor.

I know Greig is from South Africa but I would have preferred to have had a real South African doing some stints during the last series.

I do like the idea of 3 commentators instead of 2 and I'd like to see Sky take on this format for their coverage, but I don't see it happening.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (An Tarbh @ Jan 8 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
I've always been a huge fan of Nicholas, Slater and Benaud. Jury's still out on Healy and Taylor.

I know Greig is from South Africa but I would have preferred to have had a real South African doing some stints during the last series.

I do like the idea of 3 commentators instead of 2 and I'd like to see Sky take on this format for their coverage, but I don't see it happening.[/b]

Yeah, the classic TMS format of having three old but exceedingly wise and interesting men talking about the sport they love so much. Seriously, if Channel 9 managed to get Benaud, Blowers and either Nicholas/Slater with the odd appearance of Boycott I'd be in seventh heaven.

When Slater was on the UK's Channel Four he was really good, really affable and knowledgeable chap without being too excitable. He just sounded like a really nice guy, kind of like how I'd expect Langer to be.

"Yes got him ...."

"Marvellous... "
Nicholas and Warne look and sounded like they smoked each others pantys today when they were on the field during the break interval :blum3: :blum: :big_boss:
Benaud is classy.

TMS though is great, it just burbles away in the background for the whole summer... they're basically a bunch of experts sitting back and having lighthearted cricket banter... which is what every cricket team does when they're arsing around waiting to bat. I like that they get a few foreign guys in to commentate as well, and guys like tuffers are quality.. plus you have to love boycott's rants.

Tony Greig on the other hand is an arsehole.. he's mad annoying. So is that *** Mark Nicholas who presents the highlights show.
Good topic Dale. Last nights T20 match was the icing on the cake for me, listening to those two fat c***s Mark Taylor and Shane Warne with that new guy (someone Brayshaw? who cares though, he was a chump also) taking the **** out of Lonwabo Tsotsobe's name made me sick. Then they proceeded to have a giggle over it behind the mic, thinking the tv audience couldn't hear. f***ing jokes.

Anyway the only guys I have respect for are Benaud, Slater and Nicholas. Slater is great, very knowledgeable and unbiased. Took me by surprise really, as I thought he would have been in the mold of Healy etc...

On the other hand Chappell, Healy, Taylor, Warne, Lawry and Greig can all f*** off as far as I'm concerned. I feel sorry for the Aussies, they must cringe at the prospect of the cricketing world having to listen to these morons talk up Australia every time they play.

They bring shame to Australia, especially Healy.
lol brayshaw! What a joke. hes an AFL nuffy.. going about on ponting not being good in t20/20? it was hard to understand what he was going on about.

No offense to Gilly and Warne who are two of the greatest players ive ever seen but are shaping to be average commentators at best.. its a shame these days, seems every retired great has to do it.. but you look up to a legend like Steve Waugh who hasn't said much post retirement, and we will remember him for his great cricket career, not a lame commentary gig.

how much of a joke is when they try and type of the 20/20 game so much "the rock and roll of cricket, crowds going beserk here, kids love the fireworks display, lets get pumped up for some sixes, its gonna be a bonanza etc"

main thing is most of them talk on too much. look at someone like ritchie who never overdoes it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dale @ Jan 12 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
lol brayshaw! What a joke. hes an AFL nuffy.. going about on ponting not being good in t20/20? it was hard to understand what he was going on about.

No offense to Gilly and Warne who are two of the greatest players ive ever seen but are shaping to be average commentators at best.. its a shame these days, seems every retired great has to do it.. but you look up to a legend like Steve Waugh who hasn't said much post retirement, and we will remember him for his great cricket career, not a lame commentary gig.

how much of a joke is when they try and type of the 20/20 game so much "the rock and roll of cricket, crowds going beserk here, kids love the fireworks display, lets get pumped up for some sixes, its gonna be a bonanza etc"

main thing is most of them talk on too much. look at someone like ritchie who never overdoes it.[/b]

1. Richie doesn't overdo it because he commentates Test Cricket. Its slower, longer and more repetitive and is something to be appreciated over a long period of time, therefore it requires and benefits from less commentary than the other forms of cricket.

2. The example you gave of 20/20 commentary is exactly the way it should be. Fast, fun, over the top and like a circus. Thats 20/20 cricket. Pure entertainment.

I agree that Warne and Gilly aren't the best of commentators but give them a go. They just want their year or two and then Warne will move on to playing poker, PR and business full time and Gilly will go in to a full time coaching role and/or business.
As a Saffa it was painful to listen to the commentators of the 20/20 game. Arrogant, and their commentary style sounded too... American. Much like the Aussie S14 commentators, except they wear that fake audio head gear lol
One person Channel 9 should poach from overseas os Simon Hughes or "the Analyst" who used to spend most of the day couped up in a TV van by the stadium endlessly analysing the game. He now does it for Channel 5's highlights and to be perfectly blunt, his anaylsis is inch perfect and I love his column in the (UK) Telegraph.

Also, whats wrong with Mark Nicholas? I could name about..most of the Sky Sports commentating team who annoy the hell out of me more than someone who is slowly becoming the British voice of UK Terrestrial Cricket. Him and Bernaud made an excellent team together during the Channel 4 era.

The best team I thought was when you had a few of the West Indian greats come to commentate next to Richie Bernaud. As they tend to be as placid and laid back as Bernaud, you tended to have some really chilled out sessions with them which were superb if you wanted to relax on a Friday Evening ;)
Holding used to appear on Channel 9 but they don't feel the need to have any overseas representation bar Nicholas and Greig and Greig these days is as wannabe Aussie as it gets except when SA are in town, it was hilarious when he was commentating in SA on that epic ODI and he seemed to remember that he was suddenly South African
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Prestwick @ Jan 12 2009, 02:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
One person Channel 9 should poach from overseas os Simon Hughes or "the Analyst" who used to spend most of the day couped up in a TV van by the stadium endlessly analysing the game. He now does it for Channel 5's highlights and to be perfectly blunt, his anaylsis is inch perfect and I love his column in the (UK) Telegraph.

Also, whats wrong with Mark Nicholas? I could name about..most of the Sky Sports commentating team who annoy the hell out of me more than someone who is slowly becoming the British voice of UK Terrestrial Cricket. Him and Bernaud made an excellent team together during the Channel 4 era.

The best team I thought was when you had a few of the West Indian greats come to commentate next to Richie Bernaud. As they tend to be as placid and laid back as Bernaud, you tended to have some really chilled out sessions with them which were superb if you wanted to relax on a Friday Evening ;)[/b]

because mark nicholas is one of those floppy haired, perma-tanned types who say 'criggit' and other words in an americanised accent for no reason at all. Also, he oversensationalises the action.

The TV people I like are Simo Hughes, Geoffrey Boycott, Nasser Husain, Atherton... Ian Smuth (sic) the kiwi is alright too. And obviously Benaud the genius.
ABC radio fellas
O'keefe n co are 1000 times better!
Radio is always better in sport - they get away with alot more, so they very extreme and comedic at times
Lads there is no doubt that if Bumble, Benaud and Blowers were in the box, cricket would be a better game!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (melon @ Jan 12 2009, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dale @ Jan 12 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol brayshaw! What a joke. hes an AFL nuffy.. going about on ponting not being good in t20/20? it was hard to understand what he was going on about.

No offense to Gilly and Warne who are two of the greatest players ive ever seen but are shaping to be average commentators at best.. its a shame these days, seems every retired great has to do it.. but you look up to a legend like Steve Waugh who hasn't said much post retirement, and we will remember him for his great cricket career, not a lame commentary gig.

how much of a joke is when they try and type of the 20/20 game so much "the rock and roll of cricket, crowds going beserk here, kids love the fireworks display, lets get pumped up for some sixes, its gonna be a bonanza etc"

main thing is most of them talk on too much. look at someone like ritchie who never overdoes it.[/b]

1. Richie doesn't overdo it because he commentates Test Cricket. Its slower, longer and more repetitive and is something to be appreciated over a long period of time, therefore it requires and benefits from less commentary than the other forms of cricket.

2. The example you gave of 20/20 commentary is exactly the way it should be. Fast, fun, over the top and like a circus. Thats 20/20 cricket. Pure entertainment.

I agree that Warne and Gilly aren't the best of commentators but give them a go. They just want their year or two and then Warne will move on to playing poker, PR and business full time and Gilly will go in to a full time coaching role and/or business.

1. Richie never overdoes it. I've only heard him talk cricket.
2. If that's what 20/20 is going to be.. I'm not gonna watch commentators overhype the game to the extreme. I'll stick to my test cricket, that's what I call entertainment.

The sad thing is I think Richie Benaud's years are numbered.. a sad day for cricket it will be when he moves on.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dale @ Jan 13 2009, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (melon @ Jan 12 2009, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dale @ Jan 12 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol brayshaw! What a joke. hes an AFL nuffy.. going about on ponting not being good in t20/20? it was hard to understand what he was going on about.

No offense to Gilly and Warne who are two of the greatest players ive ever seen but are shaping to be average commentators at best.. its a shame these days, seems every retired great has to do it.. but you look up to a legend like Steve Waugh who hasn't said much post retirement, and we will remember him for his great cricket career, not a lame commentary gig.

how much of a joke is when they try and type of the 20/20 game so much "the rock and roll of cricket, crowds going beserk here, kids love the fireworks display, lets get pumped up for some sixes, its gonna be a bonanza etc"

main thing is most of them talk on too much. look at someone like ritchie who never overdoes it.[/b]

1. Richie doesn't overdo it because he commentates Test Cricket. Its slower, longer and more repetitive and is something to be appreciated over a long period of time, therefore it requires and benefits from less commentary than the other forms of cricket.

2. The example you gave of 20/20 commentary is exactly the way it should be. Fast, fun, over the top and like a circus. Thats 20/20 cricket. Pure entertainment.

I agree that Warne and Gilly aren't the best of commentators but give them a go. They just want their year or two and then Warne will move on to playing poker, PR and business full time and Gilly will go in to a full time coaching role and/or business.

1. Richie never overdoes it. I've only heard him talk cricket.
2. If that's what 20/20 is going to be.. I'm not gonna watch commentators overhype the game to the extreme. I'll stick to my test cricket, that's what I call entertainment.

The sad thing is I think Richie Benaud's years are numbered.. a sad day for cricket it will be when he moves on.

I hope he lives on in the 12th Man though
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dale @ Jan 13 2009, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (melon @ Jan 12 2009, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dale @ Jan 12 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol brayshaw! What a joke. hes an AFL nuffy.. going about on ponting not being good in t20/20? it was hard to understand what he was going on about.

No offense to Gilly and Warne who are two of the greatest players ive ever seen but are shaping to be average commentators at best.. its a shame these days, seems every retired great has to do it.. but you look up to a legend like Steve Waugh who hasn't said much post retirement, and we will remember him for his great cricket career, not a lame commentary gig.

how much of a joke is when they try and type of the 20/20 game so much "the rock and roll of cricket, crowds going beserk here, kids love the fireworks display, lets get pumped up for some sixes, its gonna be a bonanza etc"

main thing is most of them talk on too much. look at someone like ritchie who never overdoes it.[/b]

1. Richie doesn't overdo it because he commentates Test Cricket. Its slower, longer and more repetitive and is something to be appreciated over a long period of time, therefore it requires and benefits from less commentary than the other forms of cricket.

2. The example you gave of 20/20 commentary is exactly the way it should be. Fast, fun, over the top and like a circus. Thats 20/20 cricket. Pure entertainment.

I agree that Warne and Gilly aren't the best of commentators but give them a go. They just want their year or two and then Warne will move on to playing poker, PR and business full time and Gilly will go in to a full time coaching role and/or business.

1. Richie never overdoes it. I've only heard him talk cricket.
2. If that's what 20/20 is going to be.. I'm not gonna watch commentators overhype the game to the extreme. I'll stick to my test cricket, that's what I call entertainment.

The sad thing is I think Richie Benaud's years are numbered.. a sad day for cricket it will be when he moves on.

But Dale, T20 cricket is "Rock 'n Roll" according to Warney, JB and Tubby. Rock 'n Roll cricket requires Rock 'n Roll commentary.

But seriously your right, I hate it just as much you. Can't wait for tonight's game, wonder which of the Saffas names they're gonna take the **** out of this time... <_<
anyone notice paul reiffel umpiring the 20/20 tonight.

Good to see he's done well in his post cricket career, I remember when he started at grade cricket in Victoria. He's risen up the ranks thats for sure.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (melon @ Jan 12 2009, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
1. Richie doesn't overdo it because he commentates Test Cricket. Its slower, longer and more repetitive and is something to be appreciated over a long period of time, therefore it requires and benefits from less commentary than the other forms of cricket.[/b]

Richie is commentating the ODI today

he's still not overdoing it, and when he speaks you listen

this is a first, Benaud, Slater and Nicholas commentating at the same time, probably the best three nine has. Once it goes back to Tony Greig and co I'll put the radio commentary on

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