I thought Warberton was awesome today. He did so much hard work, so many tackles, and turned the ball over numerous times. On top of all that, he also made a couple of very nice breaks in midfield. He would have been my man of the match, although Rush was also immense today.
I'm so glad to say this, San Norton-Knight was good. After his first touch, out on the full after being passed back into the 22, I was worried he was gonna have another shoker. He turned it around though, and did almost everything else well for the rest of the match. He showed great composure for the Blues first try, calmly looked for support when he realised he didn't have the legs. It made such a huge difference to the Blues game.
Hopefully this has now kick started the Blues season, and they'll go from strength to strength now. An away win against Sale next week? Wouldn't bet against it.