Bias commentry doesn't bother me, as said, I'm use to it. Vickery has, however, been -contary to what JW said- a bit of a rubbish commentator and has offered no kind of analysis or, failing that, any kind of light relief. (At least Jiffy is funny!) The thing that really annoys me is the coverage. You've got some good pundits in, who laregely know what they're on about and have experience as both players and pundits, but then force them to talk about England 24/7 when much of the time they aren't bothered. I'd like to see either analysis of the last game or build-up for the next one, not a repeated conversation about a match happening in a weeks time.
The other day Craig Doyle even said "So then, you may have noticed in the past 15 minutes, we haven't mentioned England...". They know what's happening, yet are powerless to stop it. Annoying.