Good to see that you are back again Aus_Matt!
Just one thing I would like to point out is that seeing as your're going to make facepacks you'll need to replace .big files that are not used by the game or those of retired player with the new faces that you make.Now there are only a limited number of unused .big files that you can use,(I think its 70)
Uli,Kabezon and I have already used some of those files so there is only 50 or something of the unused files left,Kabezon is currently using that list to see what .big files he can replace so I think you must just check with him to see which files he has used and which ones you can use before you start releasing the faces.
I have also spoken to Kingwilko(Barmyarmy from planetcricket) to see if he can help us get unlimited faces into the game like they did with cricket 07,but that will mean all of the face makers will have to use the same faces.xml file as it contains all the info for adding new .big files into the game,We still don't know if it would be possible with rugby as it was with cricket but hopefully it will be,then we could make as much faces for the game as we want!