was just looking on eb games australia site for something else and saw that this game is delayed till the 21st due to shipping issues.
well this is getting mixed reviews from all angles
ranging from 7 thru to 10's
proceed with caution, i am unsure now
ok i have had it 1 night
It’s a good game and I am enjoying it a lot
Very different……like a mix between grand theft free roam to some sword chop game, add in some splinter cell stealth, scaling buildings like Sam Fisher, and jumping/leaping like Mario, and you have AC
The storyline is bizarre to say the least, and I wont say anything to anyone until they get the game, but this needs 2 more editions I feel, as it is a trilogy, and I wouldn’t be happy with just this one.
Controls are complex city at first but now I am getting the hang of it, I am looking more like the pros videos, we see from developers.
MASSIVE ENVIRONMENT……I think bigger than Oblivion, what I have unlocked thus far is already larger than any GTA map
I think the issue with this game that everyone has, is the overall expectation
It’s a quality game but sub-par when compared to Mass Effect and CoD4…..these 2 games have raised the bar, and anything less will be deemed a 7 or 8/10 game, which is what the reviews have given
From what I have played I would give it an 8/10 (I rate CoD4 9.5/10 my fave game at the mo)……….but this AC score could be raised, as the storyline get more compelling and I piece the puzzles â€" there is more than meets the eye with storyline, its not your average plot.
I read how people fall away from this game with more play, from repetition……I can semi see why, but on the other side, I want to know more on the story. The story grabs you, the missions don’t grab you until u have completed them, as only then you realise what u have done looking back on the missions…….like I did all the pre- assassinate missions â€" about 6 of them….got all these clues which seemed pointless at first, as it was all over the shop, (the clues given were not in order, so I was confused), then I hit pause, and then they are in order, in the pause menu, so you can ascertain whats going on with the target, what do to best in ways of killing him and your approach.
If this game was released 2 months ago it would have gotton a good 9 consistantly, across the WEB……..but it was delayed and delayed and delayed and released in the wake of CoD4, Halo, Mass Effect, Orange Box, Bioshock, and as such has suffered in expectations.
Quality game, but in better company overall genre’s aside.
BUT, I can do whatever i want, when i want..........FREE ROAMING
Great chill out game, i can sit back at my own pace, and soak it all in......cigarette in hand, unlike most other games