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Argentinian Rugby

you are right @FNS but actually i think its 3 or 4player rather than 7
haven`t been watching europeans play lately. but i´m sure that there´s not so much better than jags.
a few front rowers, herrera and figallo also bosch would be good addition sure, carizza maybe. but i dont think imoff is better than bonfelli. and emiliano is younger. the same goes for delguy.
the hole thing is a lousy idea cos its a betrayal on the ones that trusted UAR and of course UAR credibility. and it is for almost nothing. or do you think we would win more maches at the WC. just because of figallo and imoff?

face it in terms of results for pumas this doesent change ****.

they are doing it for nothing. just to chill the usuall haters and stupid fans who cant plan 3 minutes ahead of the next game.
this may well be the end of jaguares
dont think they ll will ever be able to complete in super rugby if all the best players go to europe.
its united as a team or it is spread across europe and never play together like in soccer.. i read theres allready arround 40 arg props in europe allready.
Best of luck to the Pumas with the new policy. I prefer strict selection and player management that makes the national team "the opportunity" ala NZ and Ire but I can certainly see why Arg has a difficult time executing that strategy.

As far as the credibility issue is concerned I don't think that it's really that bad because the leadership has changed. New bosses make different decisions. But I agree that results won't change that much overall. Maybe the Pumas could get 2 more wins a year. Do better at home and get one more win in Europe in the fall. That's about it I think.

While it will be hard for the Jags to retain the absolute best players I do not think that they will be decimated. They can still build a strong squad of 22 to 27 year olds and offer strategic contracts to some older players.

The Jags need to take off no matter what though. How popular are they in BA?
I dont like our current back 3.

Im probably with a delusional minority, but My first thought was "good, now cordero is in". Then i reflected for a second and realized it will never happen.
I d take him, probably as a sub.
I dont like our current back 3.

Im probably with a delusional minority, but My first thought was "good, now cordero is in". Then i reflected for a second and realized it will never happen.
I d take him, probably as a sub.
What about Imhoff?

My view is that Argentina should have a limit as to how many European bases players they can pick. A maximum of 3 'overseas' players selected would be fair I feel.
Personally I'm just glad that Isa is able to play for the Pumas again.
For me Imhoff is a no brainer.
I do not like Bofelli nor Tucullet. I used to think Cordero's defense was "meh", but our current back 3 are just useless.

I have a love-hate appreciation of Cordero. I watched his games at exeter and he clearly hasn't lost the touch.
Jags were a novelty and had almost 18000 followers in the stands. Now its around 5000. That was only in 2 years.....They need a winning season asap.

As for Pumas from EU you get:

- Front rows in Figallo and Herrera(meh penalty machine, slow as **** also), Bosch.
- Second row: Jags has the best atm
- 3rd row: Isa, Best ball carrier we have since Lavanni bog down lately.
- SH: None
- FH: Santiago Fernandez( young great promise)
- Centers: Socino( good back up or start up depending the rival)
- Wings: Imhoff, Cordero. Great starter and decent back up.( Delguy is going to be the next Pumas starter, great speed and change of step)
- Fullback: None.

That`s 8 players. A lot. We always complain about the lack of depth of Jags. This will allow you to play 80 mins of rugby without loosing competitiveness. Also this allow us to move wings to FB and rest Tucullet(he`s burned down you can see it in his face).
Sure it will have implications, may it hurt Jags probably but they are already burning and they will continue to do so.
Jags were a novelty and had almost 18000 followers in the stands. Now its around 5000. That was only in 2 years.....They need a winning season asap.

As for Pumas from EU you get:

- Front rows in Figallo and Herrera(meh penalty machine, slow as **** also), Bosch.
- Second row: Jags has the best atm
- 3rd row: Isa, Best ball carrier we have since Lavanni bog down lately.
- SH: None
- FH: Santiago Fernandez( young great promise)
- Centers: Socino( good back up or start up depending the rival)
- Wings: Imhoff, Cordero. Great starter and decent back up.( Delguy is going to be the next Pumas starter, great speed and change of step)
- Fullback: None.

That`s 8 players. A lot. We always complain about the lack of depth of Jags. This will allow you to play 80 mins of rugby without loosing competitiveness. Also this allow us to move wings to FB and rest Tucullet(he`s burned down you can see it in his face).
Sure it will have implications, may it hurt Jags probably but they are already burning and they will continue to do so.

figallo is really needed herrera could bring some air in but its not a strater . faild allready
isa could play for sure but i dont see a huge gap from our actual back row
santiago fernadez (they speack great of him ) i didnt see him play
socino isnt any better of what we have
imhof is good but he´s 30 years old! not much future. he could add dow. cordero faild allready
so acturally it will be
figallo , isa
fernandez (just cos i dont know)
may be imoff.
dont see much change. theyll make no diferece
Sorry but i have to disagree a lot. Any team needs different players in all positions in order to adapt to the opposition. All the players i mentioned are either better or have different skills set that we currently field.

I dont understand how you can say they make no difference.
JMH retired...

About tim. Happy for him. He had a hell of a run. Wish he would have picked a higher note to say good bye but i guess not everyone gets to cherry pick when to say enough.
Sometimes he was inconsistent but most of the time he played at another level. He could kick, tackle, break the line and make the rest of the team better. What a player.
Sorry but i have to disagree a lot. Any team needs different players in all positions in order to adapt to the opposition. All the players i mentioned are either better or have different skills set that we currently field.

I dont understand how you can say they make no difference.

jaj you dont have to be sorry! actually i hope you are right.
It´s just that i think, beisdes the front row where we do have a prop issue, the other players are not so much better than the jags, so to make enough diference, to force UAR to change the rules by wich they structured our hole rugby system.
For instance kramer delivered so we didnt miss isa so much. same for bonfelli and delguy (@Cruz_del_Sur imo the defence issues are bigger than the back 3)
of course you are right about the depth, its always better to have more players to choose from. but in this case the price is too high. the risk of loosing the franchise for a few players that wont make much of a differece, its not wise from uar.
HAHA terrible! I cant say i dislike a good hit but he misses the mark always. I mean at that weight with those long arms we could legally tackle for a loss anyone but we always spears head the attacker.

ps: In the 90 we would have been a hero xD
Did you guys watched the homage by espn to Hernández? Awesome.

First off, he admits that he hasn't played the same rugby since he tried it at Sharks and his back injury.
He explayed the injury that basically costed him a hall of fame career. He talked honestly about living abroad and playing pro (he missed his dad's death); really good stuff.
Not a way to say goodbye to the most talented argentinian player I have ever seen. Truly, a unique and remarcable player able to do a tremendous amount of things well and bring flair, fantasy and magic to the game.

About the selection of the players, what I don't understand is the concept of failure some of you guys are using: how is Cordero a failure? He went away on his own wish, he is doing very well in exeter... I don't see it.

About Imhoff: why bring the best wing in europe or so (one of the best at least) at the top of his career to a world cup afer these disastrous two years without him? I mean, we have so many better players than him, like Orlando.

I actually like Bofelli a lot, he brings great air game, just like Tuculet.

I would bring Patricio Fernández in june and see how it plays out. He has a lot of experience in higher rugby levels than any other options we currently have.
I would bring Socino, just because I really dislike our centers right now.

Figallo is a no brainer. There is no better scrummer prop in the whole world.
Isa is one of the most powerful ball carriers in the world. Kramer is not. Ortega Desio is certainly not. Why bring one of the most talented young players in the world back to us? It's just a poor question.
Got tired of writing, end of the post.

P.D: As long as Dylan Hartley is playing international, Lavanini will not be the dirtiest tier 1 player. Only the dumbest.

Cheers boys.
hi. guys who is watching the euro players? heard isa is doing good. and imoff and albacete are not starting at racing 92
how is figallo doing?
Sanchez to top 14 - next year he will play for stade Francois
Have the Jags got any good young fly halves or is there anyone who they might bring in to replace him?
Domingo Miotti or Fernández I would think. I think this opens a huge debate in argentinian rugby, cause the truth is we are lacking in fly halfs. We have scrum halfs though.

Miotti does not have international experience and had an injury not a year ago.

Someone in mind boys?
today i read in the newspaper that the UAR is going back to the complete ban after the six wins!! and nico leaving to france. this is so stupid and inconsistent..
at least is a fresh breath for the jags
about replacing nico the options are
1 bonfelli (he will be apponinted medic, psicologist, waterboy and bus driver aswell) seriously he played at 10 until he entered the plar system
2 domingo miotti (slowly recovering from serious ingurie)
3, diaz bonilla
4 el rete.

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